Jackie Chan Featured on Cover of February Issue of Success Magazine
Online, January 24, 2011 (Newswire.com) - Movie Star, Entrepreneur and Philanthropist Jackie Chan Featured on Cover of February Issue of Success Magazine
LAKE DALLAS, TX - Jackie Chan endured risk and near-fatal injuries as he climbed the ladder of success in the movie business, but it was something far scarier that nearly derailed his career and dreams. The February 2011 issue of SUCCESS magazine features a cover story on the star of the Rush Hour movie franchise who is not only a movie star but an entrepreneur and philanthropist.
"The Selling Issue" also focuses on how anyone can gain an edge today. According to SUCCESS magazine publisher Darren Hardy, sharpening your sales (or helping) skills is one of the best things you can do to improve your competitive advantage in today's marketplace. The Special Sales Section will help you gain the edge today and take your business to the next level with articles from Pauline Estrem and Beth Douglass Silcox.
You'll also find a profile of author James Patterson. With more than 50 best-sellers, he has a winning formula for fiction. But his success is no mystery, just the result of solid business principles.
David Ogilvy's ads for Hathaway shirts, Rolls-Royce and Dove soap made him famous, but he is remembered to this day for the way he made advertising a profession with integrity-and one rooted in research with a focus on selling clients' products or ideas. Read this month's "Legends" feature about the original Mad Man who brought professionalism to advertising.
Plus, profiles of Gary Player, Booker T. Washington, Kyle Maynard and much more!
The SUCCESS CD inserted in each magazine features audio interviews with Blair Singer on how to overcome your inner voice that prevents you from selling your way to success and Kevin Hall gives insight into how "words sell and words repel." Plus audio from John C. Maxwell on why it is necessary to develop leaders in every area of your organization. The issue hits newsstands Tuesday, January 11.
About SUCCESS Magazine
SUCCESS magazine is designed specifically to serve the growing entrepreneurial and small-business markets. Each month, it features personal-development thought leaders, CEOs, entrepreneurs and other achievers who offer practical advice, ideas, tips and training on leadership, goal attainment, time management, selling, motivation and more. Bound into every issue is also a free CD featuring exclusive audio compilations of success training from leading personal-achievement experts. SUCCESS is distributed on newsstands nationally. Visit www.SUCCESS.com for more information.
Tags: entrepreneur, leadership, motivation, personal achievement, personal development, selling, small business