Jamaican Film Jump 'Out The Gate', Lands In Top #15 Box Office

Jamaican indie film "Out the Gate" opens strong in New York City and books second week at AMC Theaters.

Jamaican film is making strides to its rightful place in entertainment as the highly anticipated feature "Out the Gate" made its historic opening last weekend in New York City to enthusiastic crowds.

From a list of 112 movies currently playing in United States theaters the weekend of May 13th, box office gross reports show the indie film starring Paul Campbell and Oliver Samuels at the position of #13 in the nation, in a ranking of average gross per screen. The action/drama also starring Shelli Boone and Everton (E-Dee) Dennis, opened in New York City at AMC Theaters and National Amusement Multiplex Cinemas last Friday in the first multi-theater opening for a Jamaican film in decades.

The motion picture has captured the hearts of audiences as they responded greatly to the well-rounded story, laughing and interacting with the movie throughout. Dennis, who also co-wrote the story, was present at select showings and stated the most consistent response was "When is Part 2 coming?". Paul Campbell, best known for his riveting performances in 'Dancehall Queen', 'Shottas', and 'Third World Cop', gripped the audience with his vicious portrayal of Badz, the don of LA, while Oliver Samuels, surprised audiences in a serious role, proving his talent extends beyond the traditional comedic roles that have made him a legend.

Well pleased with the weekend turnout, AMC Theaters, America's largest theater chain, has booked the film for a second week. "Word of mouth is definitely spreading", stated Keith Lewis, one of the films producers, "seeing the reaction of the audience has been the most rewarding part of this journey" he continued. The musically driven picture was directed by first time directors R. Steven Johnson and Qmillion under the name 'The Village Brothers". Produced and distributed by Jamaican/American company Far I Films, the triumphant movie is set to open in Jamaica this summer, and then return to North America for openings in Miami and Toronto, before moving on to London.

Early indications suggest that "Out the Gate" is destined to be Jamaican classic, with great cross-over potential. To see the trailer, view photos, and get showtimes visit www.outthegatemovie.com .

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Tags: E-Dee, Far I Films, Jamaica, Jamaican Movie, Out The Gate, Paul Campbell

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