James Cameron's Avatar underlines new trend in energy healing

James Cameron's new movie Avatar is likely to become the most successful film of all times at the box-office. But if you think Avatar is only another big Hollywood blockbuster, think again. Liz from the Kumara Centre, Perth knows why.

The movie is also underlining a newly found way of communicating with our mother Earth and being able to heal ourselves and the people around us by simply focusing on our energy body."Avatar is actually a very spiritual movie and we can indeed learn a lot from the indigenous people in the movie", says Liz from the Kumara Meditation & Healing Centre in Perth, Western Australia.

Everything on our earth is made up of energy, from the table leg to the atmosphere - just vibrating at a different level. And, our own energy body is closely connected to the planet and the elements that are a part of the Earth's basic composition. That being the case, the energy body is dependent on these elements of nature. As a human being we are utterly dependent on nature. Indeed, without the 'Earth' and the food she provides, we would have no physical existence. Going a little deeper, it could be said that the Laws of Nature rule our existence. There is no man-made structure that can stop a tsunami, earthquake or volcano. If the planet chooses to erupt - we, as humans, have to accept the inevitable.

Liz knows what she is talking about as she and her husband Roger are the founders of the Kumara Meditation & Healing Centres (www.kumara.com.au). "Exactly as shown in the movie the energy body helps us to meditate, aids pranic healing through utilising prana, see auras and have psychic visions" they explain; "it also helps our spiritual growth and gives us a more balanced lifestyle."

If you want to learn more about this amazing healing modality, you can attend the Kumara weekly Pranic Healing Clinics that are open to the public and which are held 3-times per week. Kumara has direct licensing from the Institute for Inner Studies, Manila - Pranic Healing Headquarters - to teach all but the highest courses which are facilitated only by visiting International Teachers. Visit http://kumara.com.au/index.php/pranic-healing to see the broad range of Pranic Healing courses that are available at the Kumara Centre in Perth, Western Australia.


Tags: Avatar, energy-healing, Pranic healing

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Liz McCaughey
Press Contact, Kumara Meditation & Healing Centre
Kumara Meditation & Healing Centre
99 Caridean Street
Heathridge, Perth, WA