January Dubbed National Divorce Month

New Jersey Divorce Lawyer Lynda Hinkle Says Couples Find A New Meaning In New Year's Resolutions

Blackwood, N.J. — A month that is often associated with new beginnings actually holds the title for something much less inspiring for couples across America. January is the leading month for divorces, according to statistics from eDivorcePapers.com.

In the face of this dismal news, divorce attorney Lynda L. Hinkle, urges couples contemplating divorce to develop a plan to maintain emotional sanity during the process.

Research suggests that couples tend to put their complications on hold for the holiday season, especially if they have children, in an attempt to give the kids a memorable, happy holiday. But once marital issues resurface in January, and couples assess the year ahead of them, they start to take action. Hinkle agrees. "Who wants to feel like the Grinch that stole Christmas during the holidays?" Hinkle says. "But in January, the clear light of logic emerges, and it becomes the time to take action."

The starting point to handling the emotional stress and to achieve the best possible results is choosing the right attorney. In her new book, Breaking Up: Finding and Working with a New Jersey Divorce Attorney, Hinkle makes the best out of these staggering numbers, asserting that the pain and struggle can be overcome if handled correctly.

Hinkle delves into the financial breakdown, options for saving money, and the step-by-step process and regulations for the state of New Jersey, though her general advice is applicable to everyone. She also addresses the logistics of carrying out a divorce in the legal system and touches on the emotions that come with the territory as well.

"I always tell my clients to make decisions today as though they are the person they'll be in a year or two, once all of the pain and frustration has settled," says Hinkle. "It's not an easy time for anyone, but keeping a level head and making wise legal decisions can make all the difference when you look back."

The stress of the holiday season before January may also play a role in pushing couples to their breaking point. Emotions run high and many people place extreme expectations on finances and gift-giving. In the same vein, Hinkle has seen major spikes in divorce filings during tax season in April.

About Lynda Hinkle Esq.
Lynda Hinkle Esq. graduated in 1993 with a B.A. in English and in 2003 with an M.S. in Teaching from Rowan University. She earned her M.A. in English from Rutgers University - Camden and completed her J.D. from Rutgers University School of Law in 2009. In addition to acting as CEO and Lead Attorney of her firm, the Law Offices of Lynda L. Hinkle, she serves on a number of local volunteer committees including the Rutgers University, Camden, Alumni Association Board, the Burlington County Advisory Council on Women, and the Bellmawr Lions Club, among others.

For more information visit lyndahinkle


Tags: divorce, divorce lawyer, family lawyer, Marrriage, relationships

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