Jared James Enterprises Welcomes Donna Arndt as the Director of Coaching

Excited New Changes to Come to the 1ON1 Coaching Program

 Jared James Enterprises (JJE) is pleased to announce the official hire of Director of Coaching, Donna Arndt. Donna comes from a wealth of experience, not only as one of the past JJE coaches, but also as a broker for many years. Her responsibilities will range from hiring and training new coaches to join the JJE team as well as continuously updating and implementing new content for our students.

As of December 2015, Donna Arndt will be also be taking over the One-on-One consults for potential students. The remaining consults throughout November will continue to be completed by CEO and Founder of JJE, Jared James. For more information regarding One-on-One coaching please visit www.jaredjamestoday.com/1-on-1

About Jared James Enterprises

Jared James Enterprises is a real estate consulting firm that offers professional speaking, marketing, lead creation, virtual and one on one real estate coaching and real estate training across North America and beyond. Jared is the CEO and Founder of Jared James Enterprises. He is a best-selling author and travels North America speaking to and training real estate agents, sales people, and entrepreneurs on how to remain relevant and increase their income. To learn more go to www.jaredjamestoday.com


Tags: coaching, lead generation, marketing, mentoring, real estate