Jeff Dunham, The Comedian. Funnier Than You Think!
Online, May 2, 2011 ( - If you want to know how to have a great time laughing so hard that your stomach hurts insides, this article is for you.
Jeff Dunham, a popular ventriloquist and stand up comedian along with his "suitcase posse" will keep you laughing all night long. The Times Magazine referred to Dunham as the "most popular comedian in the United States." Dunham was named the #1 comedian during Comedy Central's "Stand-Up Showdown" in 2008. Dunham's televised specials and series on Comedy Central have been the highest rated programs in the history of the network. According to Forbes in 2010, Dunham topped the list of the top earning comedians, who counted stand-up comedy as their primary income at $22.5 million.
"Suitcase posse" is a term coined for Dunham's dummies that comes from suitcases. Dunham uses many characters in his acts; the most famous one being Achmed the Dead Terrorist.
Dunham's most popular routine to date is Achmed the Dead Terrorist, a skeletal corpse of a failed suicide bomber. The character was designed a year after Sept. 11. Despite the notion that Achmed works for Osama bin Laden, Achmed refutes that he's Muslim by saying, "look at my ass! It says 'Made in China.'" A Youtube video showcasing Dunham's Achmed act has amassed an impressive record of more than 127 million views. Dunham's success with his Achmed act has spurned into ringtones with phrases such as : "Silence! I kill you", and "Knock knock. Who's there? Me. I Kill you." Check it out for yourself (
Another character of Dunham is Walter, who is a grumpy old man that has a negative and sarcastic view on life. A memorable quote of Walter's was when asked about the happiest moment in his 46 years of marriage wiith his wife, he retorted, "Forty-seven years ago!" Dunham initially had hesitations about creating Walter because he thought that the routine would become stale. However, he came to find that almost everyone can relate to Walter, even the opposite sex who may see similarities of him in themselves.
Dunham has recently introduced his first female character, Diane. She is described as being "a beautiful lady - thanks to all her plastic surgeons and implants - who loves being married, which is why she did it five times." Diane was featured in a film, Dinner with Schmucks with Dunham's cameo appearance, who played the role of a man who's married to a dummy doll as a wife.
The tickets to his show are usually sold out as a testimonial of his popularity. If you don't want to miss his next sold out show, go buy tickets at ( to see a live performance of Jeff Dunham and his posse of puppets. Don't wait before his next show is all sold out. Prepare to have the best time of your life.
Tags: Achmed, Achmed the Dead Terrorist, comedian, Diane, dummies, jeff dunham, Suitcase posse, Ventriloquist, walter