Jelastic Launches New Version of Its Innovative Java Hosting Platform

Jelastic has announced the launch of version 1.8.2 of its Java cloud hosting platform. Jelastic Java PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) is known for its ability to run and automatically scale any Java application without any code changes.

Jelastic has announced the launch of version 1.8.2 of its Java cloud hosting platform. Jelastic Java PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) is known for its ability to run and automatically scale any Java application without any code changes. The Jelastic team has made the platform as user-friendly as possible: a complete stranger to Java can get an application up and running in the cloud within a few minutes.

Java cloud hosting is not new: giants like Google, Amazon and Cloud Foundry have been offering their services for some time. But all these platforms have serious drawbacks: there is a steep learning curve that involves having to learn about the platforms limitations, learn about its custom app engines, internal commands, proprietary databases, etc. Jelastic offers a fundamentally new approach to Java hosting: no more need to learn custom systems or recode your application to deploy it! Jelastic is the first cloud platform that can run and scale any Java application without any code changes.

The newly launched Jelastic 1.8.2 has a number of new features and improvements. First, users of Jelastic 1.8.2 get full control of their own Elastic VDS (virtual dedicated server) with built-in Ajax SSH. Users can install their own software on Elastic VDS and perform system modifications at their own discretion: for instance, it is possible to add any non-Java components that an app may need (mail servers, console applications, cron job schedulers, etc). Each VDS can be configured and restarted independently without affecting any other VDS on the same host server. Adding this IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) feature greatly contributes to the efficiency and power of the Jelastic platform.

Secondly, Jelastic 1.8.2 features a Memcached node, which allows users to more efficiently manage their memory resources. Memcached is one of the most popular in-memory databases and cache systems: reducing database load and speeding up dynamic web applications.

Jelastic's commitment to usability is confirmed by a number of new improvements that facilitate user interaction with the platform. The Jelastic interface is now enhanced with in-dashboard guides and balloon prompts that help users master it quickly. A new Hello World demo application has been designed as well, coaching the user through their first-time use of Jelastic.

Another new feature of Jelastic 1.8.2 is the ability to create environments without application logic nodes. It greatly increases the platform's flexibility: users can create extra layers that an application might need without having to have an application server.

Jelastic 1.8.2 is already available through dogado (Germany), Tsukaeru (Japan) and Rusonyx (Russia). It will soon be available from ServInt (US) and Layershift (UK) as well. Sign up now for free at

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Tags: Cloud, cloud hosting, Development, Java, Jelastic, programming

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Julia Wunder
Press Contact, Jelastic