Jemba's Annual Christmas Toy & Gift Drive (for Families Victims of Domestic Violence)
Online, November 22, 2011 ( - LOS ANGELES, CA - Jemba is out to conquer the world! Jemba is a 10th grader who acts, models, plays sports and is a budding philanthropist. Jemba attends Oakwood Secondary School and is an A Better Chance Scholar.
For the past 4 years Jemba has organized "Jemba's Annual Toy & Gift Drive" for families' who are victims of domestic violence. Jemba is a teen leader and has learned from his own personal challenges that your circumstances do not define who you are.
On November 14 2011 Jemba had the honor of speaking at the Los Angeles County Domestic Violence Council general meeting, held at Kenneth Hahn Hall of administration in downtown Los Angeles. Jemba shared his past successes and future goals for the 2011 Jemba's Annual Toy and Gift Drive.
Jemba has collected items for the past 4 years. Last year in 2010 he formed JADV - Jemba against Domestic Violence, an organization that collects toys for victims of domestic violence. Jemba solicited 11 various sites as drop off locations. From those 11 locations in 2010 Jemba collected 404 toys/gifts along with $234.00 to purchase Ralphs and Jamba Juice Gift cards. The items were distributed to the Jenessee Center, The African Resource Center and Peace & Joy Shelters.
Jemba hopes one day that JADV will become a national organization that collects Xmas Gifts for domestic violence victims throughout the country. 2011 marks the 4th year of Jemba's annual toy & gift drive. Jemba will contact the shelters to determine the families' wish lists. Then he makes flyers to pass out and contacts schools, churches and other organizations to ask for donations of toys and gifts. Each year Jemba places collection boxes at various businesses, schools and organizations. This year the Upscale Hip and ubber cool barbershop "Legends" on Fairfax Ave will be one of the drop off locations.
Every year he is able to help more people. In 2009 he helped more than 150 families. In 2010, 404 items were collected. This past year, Oston began using Facebook to solicit donations.2011 will be the year of twitter Jemba hopes to get the word out via twitter.@Jembadv. Jemba will serve several shelters this Christmas.
Jemba's goal is to collect enough gifts to serve 1000 families.
Jemba's Annual Xmas Toy & Gift drive begins November 25th until December 22 2011. So far, Jemba has the following drop off locations supporting his drive. Nederlander Concerts /Pantages Theater, The Larchmont Larder, The Ebell Women's Club of Los Angeles, Oakwood Secondary School, A Better Chance Southwest Region, Wagon Wheels Pre-School, Teen Preparation (FAME Church)
and Legends Barbershop. Additional locations will be listed on the website.
In addition to toys, there is a need of gifts for the Moms and their babies, as well as gifts for teenagers who are often forgotten. For older kids, gift certificates, handheld games, cell phones used or new, sports related toys are welcomed. The wish lists can be found on JADV website.
The items collected will go to The Jenesse Center, The Peacemakers and other shelters in Los Angeles, South Central Los Angeles. Please donate a new unwrapped item. Jemba was the 2010 P.T. Barnum Silver Award Winner for Community Service in the Los Angeles region.
For more details please email:[email protected] or Call Coordinator (323) 572 0122 [email protected]
Tags: Abused Women and children, Christmas, giving back, toy Drive