Joanna Lumley Gripped by Unique New Movie, KINGKENNEDY

British actress Joanna Lumley was extraordinarily impressed by KINGKENNEDY, a new movie which tells the fascinating story of JFK, Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King.

British actress Joanna Lumley was extraordinarily impressed by KINGKENNEDY, a new movie which tells the fascinating story of JFK, Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King.

KINGKENNEDY is a feature length movie but what makes it unique is that it entirely comprised of actual film footage of the time. Unlike other movies on the subject, KINGKENNEDY contains no documentary style voice-over or talking heads. Instead, the footage itself tells the story. As Joanna Lumley reports, "the film is extraordinarily gripping. Even though we are familiar with these world-changing events and tragedies, the glimpses into the build-up and background are chilling. It works brilliantly without commentary or over-view; it is history, subtly edited, speaking for itself."


Tags: bobby kennedy, JFK, Joanna Lumley, Martin Luther King

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