JOBANCY Launches Part-Time Job Website: Difficult Times Increase Demand for Part-Time Work

Focusing on adults, as well as college students and teens, JOBANCY will bridge the gap between employers and jobseekers looking specifically for part-time work through their newly launched internet website.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, unemployment rose to a whopping 9.8% in December 2010 - a seven-month high. With fierce competition and the necessity for supplemental income, part-time work is in demand during these difficult times. It can pay the bills and keep food on the table. It can lead to a full-time position. It can provide jobseekers with the experience needed to achieve career growth.

Focusing on adults, as well as college students and teens, JOBANCY will bridge the gap between employers and jobseekers looking specifically for part-time work through their newly launched internet website. A wide variety of opportunities will be available, including temporary, contract, seasonal and internship positions. JOBANCY will be unique, separating itself from the competition by specializing strictly in the part-time sector. With a clean, simple website, users can take advantage of an easy-to-use navigation and detailed criteria search function. In addition to the job listings, JOBANCY will also later offer company profiles, as well as career resources-some of which will include interviewing tips, salary guides, resume writing, and career advancement tools. As an introductory, limited-time offer, employers and recruiters can post part-time jobs for free.

JOBANCY, derived from job and vacancy, launched its online recruitment website on January 1, 2011. Based out of California, they plan to initially focus on the San Francisco Bay Area and then expand to additional regions. For more information, please contact them at [email protected] or visit



Tags: job search, Online Recruitment, Part Time Jobs


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