Joel O'Loughlin Champions HSC BME Network Mentoring Programme

Joel O'Loughlin is now leading on the development of Online Mentoring for the Health & Social Care BME Network.

The Network was established as "An alliance of BME networks and public service agencies dedicated to promoting fair services free of racial discrimination." Its core membership consists of BME professionals who are well placed to articulate the concerns of BME staff, Patients and Service users in order to ensure that the public sector delivers quality services that meet the needs of BME communities. Joel O'Loughlin says "we have created an accessible online mentoring programme for HSC BME Network members.

This service offers access to experienced professionals who are willing to share their knowledge with others". Given the extensive and continuing modernisation occurring within the NHS, Social Care and other public sector organisations the online mentoring encourages innovation and creativity, through an external sounding board. The profiles of mentors will be listed in Mentoring Groups on the Network interactive website. Each one will been vetted by the Network and will have access to our mentoring development courses to upgrade their approaches where necessary.

Joel O'Loughlin encourages those to join the roster of suitably experience professionals who have agreed to support BME health and social care staff through structured online mentoring. One does not have to be from an ethnic minority background but must have an understanding of the barriers they face at work. To get in touch with Joel just email: [email protected] or go to the website and register as a member and send him a request.


Tags: Joel O\'Loughlin, public sector, social care

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