Join us Thursday, October 21st from 1:00-2:00 PM EST for our webinar "Keeping All the Balls in the Air"™ with Rob Peck

Busy professionals are increasingly challenged to do a kind of juggling act where they balance their attention between several pressing demands, yet never lose track of the big picture- and still keep their eye on the ball.

Join us as we discuss how to
• Manage multiple tasks while staying flexible - even when someone drops the ball
• Reduce perfectionism...raise productivity
• Gain valuable tools and life lessons to help you achieve a balanced life

With so many multiple responsibilities, and in the midst of so much non-stop rapid change, it's hard to keep our professional- let alone our personal life, in a healthy balance. Being able to have (and hone) a good sense of humor helps us hang tough in hard times. Laughter is like leavening.... it helps heavy spirits rise! If you'd like to have less stress and more zest, this keynote will leave you with a fresh, fun-spirited way to recharge your creative battery, experience a renewed sense of connection with your colleagues... and provide an enticing challenge to make shared laughter a daily rite.

Sign up today to learn balance your life at
By registering and paying for this webinar, you will receive a voucher for a free 6-month TAPP membership, which includes FREE monthly webinars! Get 6 valuable webinars for the price of 1!

This webinar is being sponsored by TAPP

Talented Alliance of Part-time Professionals
389 Main Street, Suite 202
Malden, MA 02148
[email protected]
Follow us on twitter! @tapponline


Tags: employment, jobs, stay-at-home mom, work home life balance, working mom

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Kara Beck
Press Contact, Talented Alliance of Part-time Professionals
Talented Alliance of Part-time Professionals
389 Main Street
Suite 202