Joined Elements, Inc. Announces Growth and Promotions

Managers at Joined Elements, Inc. recently announced the promotion of Julianne H. to assistant manager. The interactive marketing firm's leadership cited that associate development and growth is a core part of the firm's philosophy.

“We are continually striving to help our associates find ways to increase their knowledge and talent,” said Jeff, Joined Elements, Inc.’s Director. “We have a strong belief in advancing our hard-working, dedicated team members like Julianne.”

As Jeff stated, Julianne was selected for her new role due to her exceptional work ethic and performance-driven attitude. “We certainly saw the type of leader we need for our firm in Julianne,” he said. “She has proven herself as an asset to Joined Elements, Inc. I am looking forward to seeing her continue to crush her goals, as well as teach her best practices to new members.”

"There's no doubt that Julianne will rise to this challenge,"

Jeff, Director

In her role as an assistant manager, Julianne will be on a tight schedule as she gains leadership knowledge to progress into management. She will delve into learning more about the recruitment process, including background checks, hiring policies, and payroll. She’ll also assume more administrative duties, as well as continue to gain knowledge and skills for both business functions and team motivation.

“There’s no doubt that Julianne will rise to this challenge,” said Jeff. “She has the right attitude and personality to go far with our firm. This is exactly what we hope to see all our associates achieve.”

Joined Elements, Inc.’s Environment Designed to Support Team Growth

As Jeff shared, Joined Elements, Inc.’s philosophy is to provide associates with the tools to advance with the firm. “From the moment a team member joins us, we welcome them to learn all they can and become all that they can be,” he said. “This includes coaching, training, and team-building events.”

One of those activities that Jeff cited as rewarding is the weekly team night event. “We gather our group together and do something that allows stronger bonds to form between associates,” he said.

“It’s quite easy to become so immersed in your own work that you don’t take time to connect with other associates,” Jeff added. “This can have a negative impact if everyone just focuses on their own jobs. There’s a trap of just seeing people in roles and nothing more. However, when you strive to get to know one another outside the office environment, you break these barriers. You tap into the human spirit by sponsoring livelier, laughter-filled opportunities. Our team members get to know one another better, which fosters better relationships during working hours.”

Recent events included a bowling night in which Sam, Joined Elements, Inc.’s top leader, bowled a 184 for the win. The team is also planning a birthday celebration for team member Nick K. “I hope that wasn’t a surprise,” Jeff laughed.

“At the end of the day, we all want to do our best,” Jeff said. “I’m grateful that we offer an environment that supports people reaching their full career potential.”

About Joined Elements, Inc.

Joined Elements, Inc. is a full-service provider of event-based marketing solutions that generate widespread, measurable returns in new markets. Using flawless research and analysis, the firms’ brand ambassadors expertly design and execute dynamic promotions that intrigue and compel target audiences, ultimately generating explosive returns. The company’s success in the advertising industry is attributed to its adherence to core values, as well as to an upbeat and empowering corporate culture. Furthermore, these achievements have paved the way for rapid growth, and the team now operates multiple offices throughout the nation. To learn more about the firm’s extensive services, please visit today.


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Joined Elements, Inc. guarantees rapid market share growth by implementing memorable event-based marketing techniques.

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