Joke Gifts Site Launches With A FREE EBook Of Jokes

Jokes site launches with a FREE jokes eBook that literally has hundreds of jokes, to keep you entertained for hours.

Imagine hours on end of endless jokes that are sure to lift up your spirits?

You no doubt have heard the phrase that laughter is the best medicine?

As far fetched as it may seem in this day of technological advancement, some things stay true through the test of time, and merriment for your health is one of them.

It has been scientifically proven oddly enough that laughing is not just good for the soul, it is good for the body too, there was even an incident where an individual diagnosed with a terminal disease, locked themselves in a room with a tv and a video player, and a week's worth of funny documentaries and movies, at the end of the week, his terminal illness had vanished; there simply was no trace of it.

This is what the guys at have done, accumulating some of the best jokes over the years, and including it in a free eBook. Some ofthese jokes are classics and many will be eternally grateful that they had been gathered into one location, to prevent them being lost forever in the infinite worm hole that is the web.

As they say laughter is the best medicine, and there is no better way to wound down on the stress of life than some good old fashioned humour, that is bound to bring a smile to your face, if not holding your tummy and bursting with laughter.

To top it all off, you can even read some of the jokes away from the site, and save them to your Ipad, or Ipod with your very own downloadable jokes eBook all for FREE.

There are literally offering hundreds of jokes, that will keep you entertained for hours.

And the best thing about these jokes they includes ones both the old and young generation will find to their merriment.
For further information and to download your own eBook of jokes visit


Tags: funny jokes, joke gifts, joke of the day, Jokes

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