Jordan's Prominent Al- Hussein Club Appointed Dr. Naseer Homoud As Its Honorary President

In a very prestigious acclamation for his tireless support for sports, Jordan based Al- Hussein Club has named Dr. Naseer Homoud as its Honorary President.

One of the legendary, famous and oldest sports club of Jordan Al- Hussein Club has appointed Dr. Naseer Homoud, the Director of the regional office and Goodwill Ambassador of the Intergovernmental Institution for the use of Micro-algae Spirulina against Malnutrition (IIMSAM), with its highest designation of Honorary President of the Club in appreciation and acknowledgement of his tireless and dedicated efforts towards supporting sports.

Al- Hussein Club- one of the oldest and much acclaimed clubs of Jordan- was founded in 1964 in the city of Irbid. The Club has marvelous history in sports which includes not only football but also basketball, volleyball and tennis as well as cultural and social activities.

Dr. Naseer Homoud is broadly acclaimed for his adore and support for sports and due to his profound attachment to sports his continuous support for sporting events all across the Middle East region is much-admired. Recently he received an honor from International Jordanian Athletes Cultural Association which expressed its gratitude for Dr. Homoud for his support and sponsorship of the mega sporting event of veteran players scheduled to be held in Amman last May. He was also among front platinum sponsors for sponsoring King Abdulla Physical Fitness Award last May in Jordan. Dr. Homoud has been also known as the person who loves sports from core of his heart and his staunch support to sports has yielded several positive milestones in sporting culture of Jordan. He is also designated to high profile post of Vice President of World Health Fund and is Honorary Member and Advisor to Arab Non- Violence Society and Honorary Member of Arab Youth Media Forum.

The statement issued from the club board's said "we are honored and delighted that Dr. Homoud has accepted this important position. He has an exceptional academic, sports and business background and, with his immense understanding of sports and experience thereof he is ideally placed to champion the cause of sports and act as a role model for Jordanian youth players aspiring to be world class. We are very much looking forward to working with him in furthering the development of the Al- Hussein Club". The statement further said "we are delighted to welcome Dr. Homoud to the post of Honorary President and feel sure that in this position he will help the Club to continue to grow and develop and shall hone image of the club".

Acknowledging the position Dr. Homoud said ""I am greatly honored to have been appointed as Club Honorary President and particularly to be part of this prestigious and much acclaimed club. I am delighted the Club has gained promotion and wish everyone at the Club all the best for the future". It would be high responsibility to carry forward the legacy of the club and I want to assure all- players, management, board, fans and other stakeholders that I will exert my level best efforts for taking the club to horizon of success". He went on to say "indeed, I deem it as my duty now to carry on the legacy which the club has attained in its years of excellence and service to sports".


Tags: Al- Hussein Club, Dr. Naseer Homoud, IIMSAM, Jordan


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