Joya de Nicaragua Cabinetta: Two-Toned Jewel

There is a reason this cigar is named Joya de Nicaragua. Meaning "Jewel of Nicaragua," this cigar was created in Nicaragua's FIRST cigar factory. This brand has always been popular in American culture

There is a reason this cigar is named Joya de Nicaragua. Meaning "Jewel of Nicaragua," this cigar was created in Nicaragua's FIRST cigar factory. This brand has always been popular in American culture- a favorite of elite society, politicians, and a standard presence in the White House. They've been a strong force in the cigar world for over 40 years and the use of beautifully strong Nicaraguan tobaccos is kinda their thing.

This year, they've introduced the Joya de Nicaragua Cabinetta for us to enjoy. The first thing you notice about this cigars is the visually striking dual wrapper. But this, my friends, is not intended as just a feast for the eyes. The choice and construction of the wrapper leaves is what the entire flavor profile of the Cabinetta is based around. It's initially rolled with an Ecuadorian wrapper leaf then finished with that amazingly seductive Nicaraguan wrapper. So as you make your way through the cigar, you receive sensations of sweet with spice, and everything nice. And though it's watered down to a mellow, medium body in the strength department, the flavor is bursting with intricacies and a uniqueness that is hard to describe. The only way to find out? Smoke one!

The Joya de Nicaragua Cabinetta is available now at Emerson's Cigars in Hampton Roads, Virginia. Emerson's Cigars has five stores, located in Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, and Hampton. They also have an online store at

Emerson's Cigars
Attn: Mail Order Department
1412 Greenbrier Parkway, Suite 124A
Chesapeake, VA 23320
Phone: 800-842-2990


Tags: Cigar, Cigar Store, Cigars, Joya de Nicaragua

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1412 Greenbrier Parkway, Suite 124A
Chesapeake, VA 23320