Judgment Recovery Services in Texas - Does a Judgment Force the Debtor to Pay?

No, the judgment in itself does not force the debtor to pay. However, the judgment can be used to make the debtor pay. Extracting money from the debtor requires knowledge of debtor assets and the technical process to motivate the debtor to pay.

No, the judgment in itself does not force the debtor to pay. However, the judgment can be used to make the debtor pay. Extracting money from the debtor generally requires knowledge of the debtor's assets and the technical process to motivate the debtor to pay.

Many deadbeat debtors will take extreme measures to avoid paying. Debtors ask for multiple copies of the invoice, ask how the invoice was calculated, ask for the invoice again, tell the amount of invoice had been paid already, tell its not necessary to pay as the service was not quite good as expected, tell the product was defective or not exactly what was needed, tell it will be paid, tell are waiting on money owed and would then pay, and also tell numerous other reasons...

The court judgment is a document rendering a decision on facts on law issued by a court. However, it is "just a piece of paper". If there is a need to send the debtor multiple invoices, explanations of invoices and other documentation, why will one more piece of paper make the debtor pay? In reality, it is estimated that 80% of court judgments are NEVER paid. 80%!

Some debtors either just currently do not have the money, or never had the intention of paying. For debtors that do not currently have the money, its possible to get the payment with a payment plan. If the debtor does not want to set up a payment plan then most collection efforts resort to a plan of persistence in case the circumstances change.. However, continually contacting the debtor by letter or phone is expensive. In practice, many judgment holders are worn down and give up. If the plan is not to pay, then the payment can never be collected unless the debtor is forced to do so.

In short, the court judgment is only one step in a multi-step process of getting the debtor to pay. If the debtor has assets, it is generally possible to force to pay. In some states (but not in Texas), garnishing wages is possible. In these states, it is easier to get debtors to pay. However, in any state, getting the court judgment is only the first step in getting the money.

The National Judgment Recovery Center is one of the leading judicial recovery specialists based at Texas. The National Judgment Recovery Center is the leading judgment recovery specialist in Texas and can pay cash for judgments fast and upfront.




Tags: force the debtor to pay, judgment debtor texas, judgment debtor to pay money, Judgment recovery, judgment recovery houston, judgment recovery texas

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2200 North Loop West
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