Juneau, Alaska Awards On-Street Parking Contract to Aparc Systems

Twenty Four of Aparc's SIEMENS Pay-Stations To Revitalize Capital City's Downtown

San Francisco, CA | Tuesday, July 20, 2010 - At the end of the Protest Period per Purchasing Code 53.50.062 on July 13, 2010, the City and Borough of Juneau, Alaska announced Aparc Systems as the successful proposer for the supply and installation of multi-space parking pay stations. Aparc Systems, the sole distributor of SIEMENS parking equipment in North America, will supply to the City 24 new SIEMENS Pay-Stations and three (3) handheld enforcement devices to support the City's pay-by-license plate program in the downtown core.

Scoring on average 20% stronger in the proposal evaluation process, Aparc was awarded the contract over industry competitor Digital Payment Technologies. Aparc prevailed as the superior choice for its integration of pay station terminals with TicketManager™, Aparc's proprietary enforcement and citation software.

Aparc's SIEMENS Pay-Stations are favored for their robust engineering and ergonomic design. Made of high-grade stainless steel, these Pay-Stations will withstand the cold and wet climate of Juneau, Alaska. Standing at seven (7) feet tall and powder-coated in a traffic blue color, these Pay-Stations are highly visible and easy to identify. And with a footprint of only 242 square inches, its unique prism-shape design does not impede on the esthetic feel of Juneau's community.

Replacing time-consuming, hand-written parking tickets will be electronically printed tickets. Parking enforcement officers of Juneau's Police Department will enjoy the benefits of using handheld enforcement devices equipped with Aparc's TicketManager™, the world's premier enforcement and citation software. The Pay-Stations are integrated with TicketManager™ to provide real-time vehicle inventory by license plate. From identifying a violating vehicle to printing and issuing a parking ticket using TicketManager™, it takes less than seven (7) seconds - not to mention eliminating customary, illegible, carbon copy tickets.

Aparc is currently in the contract negotiation phase with the City and Borough of Juneau. When Aparc and the City arrive at an agreeable contract, the City plans to procure and install SIEMENS parking equipment in the fall of 2010.


Tags: Alaska, Anchorage, city, Enforcement, Juneau, paid parking, parking, parking meters, parking ticket, pay parking, street parking

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Press Contact, Aparc Systems
Aparc Systems
Suite 3600
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