Just About Books Talk Show Announces the Winner of the Book Award for Best Fiction - Cheryl's Choice for 2011
Online, January 6, 2012 (Newswire.com) - The Prison Plumb Line by Yvonne J. Medley is honored as the winner of the annual Book Award for Best Fiction-Cheryl's Choice, which was announced Friday, December 30.
Cheryl Robinson, Host and Executive Producer of the Just About Books Talk Show said, "Once again, I am extremely proud to announce our annual award winner and this year's book is actually a novella inspired by five women-incarcerated and destined for change-who stopped, looked and listened to God's Word. Spiritually mesmerizing...this book is a touching story of lessons learned and second chances. Medley is a first-time author and a long-time volunteer in the prison ministry."
Robinson said, "Since readers are encouraged to read their favorite books on Kindle, Nook® and even their iPhones, Cheryl's Choice is a sign of the times-an e-book. Cheryl's Choice lets the reader know that I am only going to recommend the most up-to-date, exceptional book of quality for the annual award. Yvonne Medley has cleverly written a story where fiction meets real life and intertwines emotions with heartache, disappointment and hope for whatever God has to offer those swallowed up by the correctional system."
Medley experienced actual accounts and blessings that led to the writing of this riveting life-altering story. "These women entered my heart and changed my perspective in such surprising ways that I had to express that gift through the written word," Yvonne J. Medley said. "During a course of nearly 20 years, serving in Prison Ministry, I've been blessed to meet many men and women who have eventually separated from me in the flesh, but still they have managed to forever impact my life and spirit," she added.
In The Prison Plumb Line, "Twenty-one year old Evie Freeman is about to be blindsided by a crusty old Bible and a life change. At present, her life is dismal. Her prospects are none. What makes matters worse is that she can't understand how her life got that way and she's lost the will to fight forward. Then she goes to jail-thanks to her drug-dealing boyfriend. Now, she's really declared herself the walking dead. So these days she's just hanging around the edges of life, waiting for her last breath to ooze out of her body. But angels and inspiration can reside anywhere. And if jail's the place where miracles can happen for Evie, so be it. She only has to take in one more good breath to receive it."
Charles County Public Library, La Plata Branch Director, Emily Ferren said, "Life can change where you least expect it-in a prison cell. Yvonne's writing inspires the soul and mind to a better place."
Yvonne self-published two short-stories, The Numbers Hole and The Counselors. The
e-books are available on Amazon.com. She is anxiously awaiting her debut novel, God in Wingtip Shoes, scheduled for release in April 2012.
Angela Beck, Maryland Independent newspaper, asked Medley, "What inspires you to write?" Yvonne responded, "My inspiration comes from just about anyone...for me, writing became a source of esteem, focus and empowerment."
Yvonne J. Medley is a features writer and photographer. She garnered recognition for controversial pieces on racism and the church, and the psychology of sexually abusive clergy. Medley is a Point of Change Jail & Street Ministry, Inc. volunteer. She also teaches English as a Second Language and Adult Basic Education. Medley is the founder of The Life Journeys Writers Club, serving writers in Southern Maryland.
Cheryl's Choice Book Award is among the most eminent literary awards and is one of the few awards presented by Talk Shows that recognize quality as an increasingly important area of African American author's contributions to a book lover's world. The purpose of the awards is two-fold: it recognizes and encourages the writing and publishing of outstanding books; and it raises the cultural appreciation of great writing in America. Just About Books Talk Show started in 2005 on Internet radio and is changing with the times. It will debut in 2012 as an Internet television show-watch for us on YouTube.com. Just About Books Talk Show will continue to showcase authors, book clubs and literary events. Please visit our new website at http://www.JustAboutBooksTalkShow.com.
For inquiries, contact Special Event Coordinator, Heather at 1-877-WRITE18 or by email at [email protected].
Just About Books Internet Radio Talk Show is located in the Washington, DC area.
Tags: best fiction, book award, talk show