JUST CONFIRMED - PTAB Judges to Speak at Momentum PTAB IP Counsel Exchange - May 10-11 in San Jose, CA

Several Administrative Patent Judges recently confirmed their participation to speak at Momentum’s upcoming IP Counsel Exchange on Post-Grant Patent Challenges at the PTAB taking place May 10-11 at the Silicon Valley Capital Club in San Jose, CA.

  • Hon. Matthew Clements, Lead Administrative Patent Judge, Patent Trial and Appeal Board, U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
  • Hon. Tina Hulse, Administrative Patent Judge, Patent Trial and Appeal Board, U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
  • Hon. Kevin Turner, Administrative Patent Judge, Patent Trial and Appeal Board, U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
  • Hon. Christa Zado, Administrative Patent Judge, Patent Trial and Appeal Board, U.S. Patent & Trademark Office

Registration for this event is open to and complimentary for in-house executives and corporate counsel only. 

Attendees will share and gain strategic insights for best asserting and defending key patents as they're provided with tactical recommendations on how to best present cases as petitioner, patent owner or interested party.

For more information on the event visit IP Counsel Exchange on Post-Grant Patent Challenges at the PTAB: San Jose or call (646) 807-8555. 

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Momentum contact:

Julia Guarini
Marketing Manager

Source: Momentum


Tags: conference, judge, patent, PTAB, San Jose

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