Just In Time For Back To School, SafetyLink360 Provides A Digital Safety Net

Elegant in concept and simple in execution, SafetyLink360 is a unique mobile phone app with the potential to save lives.

As students head back to school, newly independent drivers hit the road, and latch-key kids come home to an empty house, a unique mobile phone app is now available, one which provides a digital safety net for independent tweens, teens and even adults... along with peace of mind for busy parents.

This new Android smartphone app is a potentially lifesaving personal safety application featuring five, easy button alerts that when triggered, forward messages to the users' list of emergency contacts, including 911. Each pre-programmed alert has the ability to capture and send current GPS location, physical address, date and time data to the list of contacts. Each alert describes the situation and pinpoints the user's whereabouts, which will keep parents, care givers, friends and authorities informed, or able to quickly dispatch help if needed. And, if Facebook enabled, the message will also post as a status to the sender's Facebook wall.

"I live in Colorado where people are very active; they hike, bike, mountain climb, back country ski, and sometimes get lost or hurt. SafetyLink360TM started as a small idea - 'what if there was a way to let someone know, quickly and effortlessly, where I was' and grew from there into an application which is literally a digital safety net", Cody Hartman, Applievable LLC. President and application designer said.

SafetyLink360 is currently available through Google Play for $1.99 and works on Samsung Galaxy, HTC One, HTC Evo, Motorola Droid, RAZR, LG Esteem, LG Connect and all compatable Android smart phones and devices.

SPECIAL: For back to school shoppers, SafetyLink360TM is specially priced at just .99 cents through the month of September. This app is designed, in part, as a digital safety net for children, so 10% of all proceeds will be donated to The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

About SafetyLink360
SafetyLink360TM is the first application released through Applievable LLC. The company and the application are both owned by Cody Hartman, a seventeen year old home schooled student. Involved in competitive swimming, Cody frequently travels with his team, without parents, and originally wanted a quick and easy way to notify several people at once that he had arrived safely. The SafetyLink360TM application evolved from there.


Tags: Android, applications, apps, google, HTC, LG, Mobile, Motorola, New, Phones, play, Samsung, smartphones

About Applievable LLC

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Applievable LLC
18695 Pony Express Drive #487
Parker, CO 80134
United States