Just Made Available: 2 Free Social Media Training Videos for Chambers and Chamber Members

Social media training for chambers and chamber members. At the North Mason County Chamber of Commerce in Washington State we doubled the membership in 18 months through social media.

Your chamber of commerce is probably using social media to promote itself and the members. Some are doing a great job and some are just spinning their wheels. At the North Mason County Chamber of Commerce in Washington State we doubled the membership in 18 months through social media. Frank J. Kenny was the chamber President and CEO at the time of their spectacular growth. The chamber's retention numbers also improved through their social media efforts.

Frank J. Kenny is now training chambers all over the country on social media. Through workshops, classes, webinars, and consulting he is educating and training the staff and members on what he found through his research and hands on success. He has just released 2 free on-line training videos for chambers and their members.

The free training videos are available at http://frankjkenny.com/social-media-training-for-chambers.

Frank has spoken at state, national, and internatio0n events about the psychology behind social media and social networking. Contact him at [email protected] or through http://FrankJKenny.com. He also just launched a new site for chamber and association members at http://SocialMediaForMembers.com.


Tags: chambers of commerce, Frank J. Kenny, social media for chambers, social networking for chambers

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Frank J. Kenny
Press Contact, Frank J. Kenny Speaks, Writes, Coaches
Frank J. Kenny Speaks, Writes, Coaches
PO Box 644
Belfair, WA 98528