Just Write! 2012 Writing Contest

Word Alive Press Announces 9th Annual Canadian Writing and Publishing Contest

The search for great Canadian authors has begun! Have you written a book or novel? Do you dream about getting published but you don't know where to start?
This could be exactly what you need. Word Alive Press is launching their 9th Annual Free Publishing Contest and will select two winning Canadian manuscripts -one fiction and one non-fiction winner -to publish, market and distribute in both book and e-book format. The total prize package is worth over $10,000 ($5,000 for each winner).

Total Package

Screened and chosen by a judging committee that includes editors, book-sales and marketing professionals, the winning entries of Word Alive Press' 9th Annual National Contest will receive wide exposure through Christian newspapers and magazines, TV shows and radio stations. Winners will also receive order access through 30,000 bookstores across North America.

Word Alive Press has published many award winning titles and are known for their expertise in book design, sales, marketing and distribution. In addition to being professionally published, the 2012 prize winning manuscripts will be converted into e-book format and made available for the Amazon Kindle, the Apple iPad, Chapters/Indigo's Kobo and many others.

"Thank You, Word Alive Press!"

In an increasingly difficult-to-break-into publishing world, first time authors often feel as if the the odds are stacked against them. Previous Word Alive contest winners challenge aspiring writers to think again:
• "For over a decade, it has been my dream to publish a novel. When the Lord prompted me to write The Lion Cubs, I never guessed it would have been the one to make it out into the world. Thank you, Word Alive Press, for this blessing and the opportunity to make my dream a reality." -Chrissy M. Dennis, The Lion Cubs (Fiction Winner, 2011)
• "When my son Ben died of leukemia, it was hard to imagine that God could produce anything good from such a devastating loss. I couldn't imagine how He would bring life from death. But thanks to Word Alive Press, He has! God has used the professional team at Word Alive Press to encourage and lead me through the process of publishing my journey, affording me an incredible opportunity to 'let it ripple' to the ends of the earth!" -Lisa Elliot, The Ben Ripple (Non-Fiction Winner, 2011)
• "I always dreamed of becoming a writer but never imagined that my first attempt would end up being published. Thank you, Word Alive Press!" -Christl Schwarz, Forgive Us Our Debts (Fiction Winner, 2008)
• "Some of the best books ever written never make it to an editor's desk. That's why Word Alive Press Publishing Contest is such a Godsend to the Canadian Christian writing community - it gives Christian writers the opportunity to have their work read by professional editors. In an industry geared towards writers who already have a proven track record, it's exciting to know that anyone can enter and anyone can win." - Shawn J. Pollett, Christianus Sum - The Cry of the Martyr's Trilogy (Non-Fiction Winner, 2008)
• "Winning the publishing contest has brought the dream of my manuscript into the reality of a professionally published novel. Thank you Word Alive Press for the opportunity to share my story with others!" -Cynthia d'Entremont, Unlocked (Fiction Winner 2009)

Canadians Have Stories to Share

Word Alive Press truly wants more Canadians to share their stories of faith with the world. "After more than twenty-three years of distributing Christian resources to Canada, we are thrilled with the growth we see in Canadian writers expressing their faith through talented writing. As a Canadian publisher, we are committed to placing quality, Canadian Christian books into the market. Our writers contest has grown rapidly over the past eight years and it's very rewarding to see hundreds of Canadian writers send in manuscripts with hopes of winning the grand prize of being published. We look forward to reading this year's inspired works!"

So what are you waiting for? Sharpen your pencils and get the creative juices flowing! Your writing dreams are waiting to come true! But hurry. The contest deadline is: June 15, 2012


For more information contact Caroline Schmidt, [email protected] or 1.800.967.3782. For contest submissions, entry forms and guidelines, visit: www.wordalivepress.ca/2012Contest.html
List of winners from previous years:
• Non-Fiction Winner 2011 -Author of The Ben Ripple, Lisa Elliot
• Fiction Winner 2011 -Author of The Lion Cubs, Chrissy M. Dennis
• Non-Fiction Winner 2010 -Author of Chasing the Wind: Finding Meaningful Answers from Ancient Wisdom, Robert White.
• Fiction Winner 2010 -Author of The Watcher, Sara Davison
• Non-Fiction Winner 2009 -Author of Practice by Practice: The Art of Everyday Faith, Kathleen Gibson
• Fiction Winner 2009 -Author of Unlocked, Cynthia d'Entremont


Tags: author, Canada, contest, publishing, writer

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