KaMMCO Health Solutions Breaking New Ground in Supporting Healthcare Quality Initiatives

KaMMCO Health Solutions, Diameter Health announce receipt of NCQA Certification for 21 Quality Measures

KaMMCO Health Solutions, in partnership with Diameter Health, announces the receipt of the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) certification for 21 Electronic Clinical Quality Measures (eCQMs) for 2017. eCQMs are indicators of the quality of care provided to a patient, including measures that reflect management of chronic diseases, preventive care received, use of appropriate medications and overall cost of care reductions. These indicators are important reporting mechanisms in the new era of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ Quality Payment Programs initiated this year.

NCQA certification of KHS' reporting capability assures providers and payers that the new technology has undergone rigorous and extensive testing. KHS can now offer HIE clients with live data in the exchange the ability to leverage aggregated data in yet another actionable way through eCQM reports. This is a critical differentiator when comparing KHS analytics capabilities to traditional EHR vendor-based analytics reporting.

The KHS analytics product compiles, aggregates and reports data from all providers participating in the health information exchange, and computes the quality metrics across all of the providers the patient has received care from, delivering a more accurate picture of the patient's longitudinal medical record. This reporting method enhances providers' ability to successfully report quality measures given they have information regarding patient care from other locations or from another providers.

About Diameter Health: Diameter Health was founded to transform healthcare delivery by dramatically improving the quality of clinical data exchanged among providers. Diameter Health is a technological innovator in enabling the productive use of clinical data leveraging interoperability standards. For more information, visit the website www.diameterhealth.com or email [email protected].

About KaMMCO Health Solutions, Inc.: KaMMCO Health Solutions, Inc. (KHS) is a provider‐led subsidiary of the Kansas Medical Mutual Insurance Company, KaMMCO, a medical professional liability insurer affiliated with the Kansas Medical Society. KHS' provider‐led approach uniquely positions it to help physicians, other healthcare providers, integrated delivery networks, accountable care organizations, and others seeking to improve patient outcomes and adapt to new performance‐based payment models through the use of data analytics and business intelligence tools. KHS is led by President and Chief Executive Officer Kurt Scott. For more information, visit the website www.KaMMCOHealthSolutions.com.

Source: KaMMCO Health Solutions


Tags: data analtyics, Diameter Health, eCQM, Healthcare, KaMMCO Health Solutins, KHS, NCQA certification, physician, Quality reporting

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KaMMCO Health Solutions, Inc. partners with healthcare providers, integrated delivery networks, ACOs, and others facing the challenges of the new healthcare marketplace by offering data sharing, business intelligence and patient engagement solutions.