Kare Visits Launches Corporate Caregiver Wellness Program Designed to Increase Engagement, Creating Healthier Workplaces.
Chicago, IL, April 4, 2016 (Newswire.com) - "Caregiver Stress" is defined as: physical, financial and emotional strain experienced by those caring for sick, elderly, or disabled loved ones. Caregiving in the workplace is estimated to cost employers more 34 billion dollars annually in productivity and absenteeism related costs. Although more than 90% of employers offer some form of weight loss, smoking cessation, and health screening related programs, there are only a handful of organizations that offer targeted solutions for Caregivers. According to studies conducted by the National Alliance for Caregiving and AARP, there are more than 34 million unpaid caregivers in the United States. More than half of these caregivers are full-time employees that work at least 35 hours a week. Studies indicate that caregivers are more likely to suffer from heart disease, depression, high blood pressure, obesity, and sleep deprivation than those that are not caregivers. In another report by Health Advocate, employers spend 8 percent more in health care costs related to caregiving. This number is expected to increase as the number of those over the age of 65 is expected to double by the year 2030. The need for holistic wellness programs that address the needs of working caregivers is no longer a “nice to have” but a “necessity”.
“Corporate wellness programs are often plagued with low engagement levels. These low engagement levels are due to a lack of programs that offer real solutions. For example, a caregiver that is working 40 hours a week and spending another 20 hours a week caring for a parent with Alzheimer’s, has little time to engage. The future of corporate wellness programs are solutions that eliminate the need for participants to “find time” but instead employers will “sponsor time” to engage.” – Teri McElrath, Kare Visits.
"The future of corporate wellness programs are solutions that eliminate the need for participants to "find time" but instead employers will "sponsor time" to engage."
Teri McElrath, CEO & Founder
The Kare Visits Corporate Caregiver Wellness Program is designed to provide “respite relief” for working caregivers. The Kare Visits’ team conducts on demand well-being checks for the sick, elderly, and disabled. The Kare Visits Corporate Caregiver Wellness Program provides organizations with the opportunity to sponsor “respite relief” services as a part of current wellness program offerings. This program will provide time for working caregivers to focus on taking care of themselves. The Kare Visits organization is in the process of piloting “respite relief” solutions in partnership with organizations seeking diverse and innovative health and wellness solutions. These partnerships will support increasing engagement, decreasing health care costs, and improving the health of caregivers in the workplace.
About Kare Visits:
Kare Visits LLC is a national respite care organization that is based in Chicago, IL. Kare Visits develops innovative tools and resources to support those that care for the sick, elderly, and disabled. Kare Visits utilizes a survey tool that is used to perform well-being checks scheduled by caregivers. We dispatch certified consultants that visit loved ones, providing family and friends with peace of mind when they need it the most. For more information regarding the Kare Visits Corporate Caregiver Wellness Program, please visit our website: http://www.karevisits.com
Alzheimer’s Association. 2015. Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures. Research Report Retrieved from: https://www.alz.org/facts/downloads/facts_figures_2015.pdf
AARP. 2015. Caregiving in the U.S. Research Report Retrieved from: http://www.caregiving.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/2015_CaregivingintheUS_Final-Report-June-4_WEB.pdf
Health Advocate. Caregiving, impact to the workplace. Research Report Retrieved from: http://healthadvocate.com/downloads/webinars/caregiving.pdf
Oncology Nurse Advisor. 2016. Wellness Programs Needed for Head and Neck Cancer Caregivers. Article Retrieved from: http://www.oncologynurseadvisor.com/daily-oncology-news/head-neck-cancer-wellness-programs-caregivers-necessary/article/485569/.
Tags: caregiver stress, caregiver support, corporate wellnes programs, kare visits, respite care, respite relief, wellness