Kasamba Launches a New Feature, Kasamba Messages

The easy way for clients and psychic advisors to stay connected in between sessions.

Kasamba, a leading online psychic service platform, has released a new messaging system, Kasamba Messages. This enables psychic advisors and clients to easily stay connected after and in-between sessions. 

Thanks to Kasamba’s successful venture into the mobile psychic industry more than a year ago, the new messaging system is readily available on both desktop and all mobile devices, so clients can contact their psychic advisors wherever and whenever they need. They can catch up on events following a session, reach out if session is disconnected, check availability of the advisor and set future appointments. Through a handy envelope icon on the homepage, messages can be sent to the psychic advisor regardless of their online/offline status. Same for advisors who want to connect with their clients.

Clients should opt in to get instant SMS about a new message from their advisor. This fast technology, we believe, will continue to help grow the relationship between them.

Omer Ben Avi, Product Manager

“Kasamba Messages is an extension of our commitment to create meaningful connection between our clients and their advisors. Clients and advisors can stay in touch in between sessions from the ease of their mobile or desktop, and they’ll get notified immediately when the advisor responds,” says Omer Ben Avi, product manager at Kasamba. “Clients should opt in to get instant SMS about a new message from their advisor. This fast technology, we believe, will continue to help grow the relationship between them.”

Clients receive an SMS alert when their psychic advisors write a new message or reply to an old one. This alert is designed to keep clients interested, in charge and equipped with the knowledge that they have an advisor they can rely on. For ease of use, Kasamba Messages features the same user-friendly and casual chat-thread format offered by Facebook and Whatsapp. The Kasamba community is sure to become close knit thanks to this new capability.

Kasamba Messages is open to all clients – new and existing – and it can be used once a psychic session is completed. To try the feature, simply log on to your account or create one now. 

Source: Kasamba


Tags: kasamba, meaningful connection, psychic advisor, psychic connection

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Kasamba connects the world's most gifted psychics to their clients with readings on dozens of categories, tarot, dream analysis, angel card readings, psychic mediums, love and relationships, fortune telling, astrology, pet psychics and much more.

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