Katimavik Names Daniel Lapointe to Serve as CEO

Katimavik today announced that its Board of Directors has named Daniel Lapointe to lead the organization.

Katimavik today announced that its Board of Directors has named Daniel Lapointe to lead the organization.

Lapointe, who will assume his role as CEO on October 12, 2010, joins Katimavik with a 20-year background operating as executive director in the not-for profit, financial, cultural and health sectors. Most recently, he served as Executive Director of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries and brings to Katimavik his extensive fundraising skills. He holds both a bachelor's and a master's degree in Political Science as well as an MBA. His sound management background will give Katimavik the executive leadership needed to further build the organization at a time when Katimavik has, over the past year, undergone some major changes in governance, structure and funding.

"Katimavik requires a combination of vision, teambuilding and management expertise in its leader," said Ric Charron, Katimavik Board of Directors' Chairperson. "Daniel has just that combination. His wealth of experience, track record of management success and commitment to community service will be valued assets in our ongoing efforts to grow Katimavik's service offering over the coming years. After having considered many exceptional candidates, we are in proactive mode and looking forward to working with Daniel to further the interests of Canadian youth and communities."

Lapointe's appointment is the result of a comprehensive nationwide search led by a steering committee formed to advise the Board of Directors on the selection of the right candidate. Ms Katherine Morton, Interim Executive Director and key player in the transition period, is convinced that Lapointe's considerable experience will be valuable in bringing a fresh perspective and creative ideas regarding how Katimavik can continue to best serve its stakeholders and eventually reach out to a greater number of Canadian youth and communities.

"I was drawn to Katimavik because of its dedication to developing not only Canadian communities but Canadian youth," said Lapointe. "The mission, the values and the organization's goals are an inspiration and entirely compatible with my personal and professional aspirations. I look forward to working with the Board of Directors, the talented staff and communities across the nation to take the institution that is Katimavik to the next level."

About Katimavik
Katimavik promotes civic engagement and fosters sustainable communities through challenging national youth service programs. Since 1977, Katimavik has enabled more than 30,000 Canadians to be involved in more than 2,000 communities throughout Canada. Volunteers between the ages of 17 and 21 live with 10 other youth from across the country in one or two communities. They commit to volunteering in the context of a six-month program where they will provide work 28 to 35 hours a week for a variety of not-for-profit organizations. Youth also benefit from Katimavik's structured learning program that focuses on the development of lifelong personal, professional and social competencies in the areas of civic engagement, healthy lifestyle, cultural discovery, official languages, communication, environmental stewardship and project coordination.

For further information please visit www.katimavik.org or visit our blog at www.gokatimavik.com

To schedule an interview or obtain a photo please contact Victoria Salvador, National Director of Communications and Marketing at: 1-888-525-1503 xt 2361.


Tags: appointment, national service, Nomination, teenage interests, volunteer, Young Adults

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