Keep Your Eyes Peeled For Scams
Online, March 20, 2011 ( - Knowing how to report identity theft ( can help put the lid on the wrongful use of your personal information. Who you report to often depends on where the scam took place and what kind of scam it was.
However, the reward for reporting promptly is that you may avoid financial ruin. By reporting someone who tried to defraud you, you can also save others.
Keep your eyes peeled for IRS-related scams, such as an e-mail that directs you to a legitimate-looking Web site, telling you that you'll get a refund if you answer questions or follow the given directions. These scams often ask for your personal information. Report by submitting your claim in person or through the mail at Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration Hotline, P.O. Box 589, Ben Franklin Station, Washington, D.C. 20044-0589 or by calling 1-800-366-4484.
Be aware that there are mail scams out there, like those that plea for help with current relief efforts. Another is an announcement that you won the lottery but have to send in some money for "processing" fees. If you receive one of these letters, keep copies of everything. Report the scam online at the U.S. Postal Inspection Service Web site.
You should also watch out for Internet identity fraud when you are online. The scams perpetrated there include phishing scams, which can be used to obtain your personal information by providing links to phony Web sites.
Report these scams to the FBI, and alert your credit card company. Call all three credit reporting bureaus as well, and notify them that you are a victim of an identity scam.
Remain vigilant when watching for scams online and in the mail. Do not click on links contained within unsolicited e-mails, and don't provide your personal information via telephone, online or when replying to a mailed solicitation.
Be smart: stop a thief before he has a chance to do any damage to your good name.
Tags: fraud, id theft, identity theft, identity theft prevention