Kettlebell Khaos Boot Camp is the quickest way to that fit body!

Kettlebell Khaos is coming to Columbus, OH in January 2010. Kettlebells are a great way to lose weight, and tone up the entire body all the while having fun.

Respected Columbus-area strength and conditioning specialist Jason Yun will kick off 2010 with a new fitness boot camp dedicated to his favorite piece of training equipment-the kettlebell.

Kettlebell Khaos begins Monday, January 4. Classes will meet on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at the Martial Arts Alliance, 6655 Dublin Center Drive in Dublin.

"Kettlebells are my favorite piece of equipment to use," states Yun. "When I first started using them, working out became fun for me again. They take the boredom out of working out."

Kettlebells are easy to use and come in different weights to suit your personal fitness level. They combine many aspects of fitness-strength, power, endurance, flexibility-into one dynamic workout that tones the entire body and melts fat away from stubborn trouble zones. They are the ultimate cross-training tool.

Boot camp participant Elaine Ketchum, of Columbus, says, "I love using the kettlebells. You can do anything with them! It's a lot more fun than working out with regular weights, and the time just flies by."

A limited number of free two-week trial spots are still available for Kettlebell Khaos Boot Camp. Registrants will receive a fitness and nutrition DVD, the 25 Rules of Fat Loss to Look Better Naked CD, and Your Look Better Naked Nutrition Blueprint e-book. For more information, visit


Tags: boot, bootcamp, Camp, Columbus, exercise, fitness, kettlebell, kettlebells, khaos, strength, weight loss

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Jason Yun
Press Contact, Yun Strength and Fitness Systems LLC
Yun Strength and Fitness Systems LLC
4825 Farber Row
Columbus, OH 43221