Keynote Speaker - Stephen M. Apatow - Lead From the Front

Milford, Connecticut, March 31, 2017 ( - " Leadership development begins with a support system, that helps all team members reach their potential, focusing on their gifts, talents and capabilities. The purpose is not exploitation, but functional benefit for the mission of the team. This requires a fine balance between the need for tunnel vision during execution of a mission and capabilities that support stability, health, happiness and prosperity in the bigger picture of life. Though paradoxical, the objective is a team of leaders." -- Stephen M. Apatow.
From "Living On The Edge" to being the "Cutting Edge"
In 1994, a small nonprofit organization named Humanitarian Resource Institute (HRI), was formed in Carson City, Nevada. The mission was to address the cross section of needs defined during two national touch outreach projects, the first for substance abuse in 1990, and second for hunger, homelessness and poverty in 1993. HRI's first project was named Focus On America. Through the assistance of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program (EFSNBP), the mission was to take lessons learned, and "bridge unmet needs to untapped resources." This project reached front-line programs and EFSNBP directors in over 3100 U.S. counties, all 50 states and territories. In 1999, the successful completion of United States networks, led to the development the International Disaster Information Network (IDIN), to assist FEMA with remediation for the Year 2000 Conversion, and then complex emergencies in 193 UN member countries.
Formation of the Humanitarian University Consortium in 2002, helped connect subject matter experts at colleges and universities, public, private and defense organizations in every UN member country. Through this consortium initiative, the worlds top reference points in medicine, veterinary medicine and law helped HRI be a global reference point for health care, education, agricultural and economic development.
Shortly thereafter, HRI was recognized as one of nine leading educational and research institutions by the National Academy of Sciences, with the Center for Nonproliferation Studies, Columbia University: Center for Public Health Preparedness, Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Government: Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Humanitarian Resource Institute, Johns Hopkins University: Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Center for International Studies, National Academy of Sciences, University of Maryland: Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland, University of Minnesota: Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy. -- See: Biological Threats and Terrorism, Assessing the Science and Response Capabilities: Workshop Summary: Forum on Emerging Infections, Board on Global Health. "Front Matter, " Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2002.
In 2009, HRI formed the United Nations Arts Initiative to promote "Arts Integration Into Education," connecting educators, artists and entertainment industry, who have the innovation, creativity and intimate connection with the grassroots level, to impact prioritized humanitarian emergencies and relief operations. The United Nations Arts Initiative helps both artist and grassroots leaders with strategic planning, critical analysis, expert think tank development for background discussions, peer reviewed data compilation and communications that engage decision makers and audiences in a target demographic.
In 2011, H-II OPSEC Expeditionary Operations was developed to assist defense support for humanitarian and security emergencies, currently beyond the capabilities of governmental, UN, NGO and relief organizations.
Lead from the Front: Leadership Development Programs
Though functioning outside of the mainstream spotlight for 23 years, Humanitarian Resource Institute has been the reference point for unconventional asymmetric strategic planning.
Today, Stephen M. Apatow, President, Director of Research and Development for HRI, is focused on helping young leaders and executive leadership teams understand how to operate in complex environments and strategic areas viewed as critical to the CEO level of operations. Lead from the Front: Development Programs help the CEO level break down walls and barriers, establishing a focus on optimization of the mission objective, through:
- Prioritization
- Subject matter expert review
- Peer reviewed material support
- Effective communications to penetrate a target audience.
- Touch Outreach
- Consensus building
Overview of Current Leadership Initiatives
- Mediation: Background Discussions: HRI (UN:NGO:DESA): H-II OPSEC, LinkedIn.
Background Synopsis
- 1984-1990: Pioneer for development of Classical Ballet Based Biomechanics, Orthopedic Analysis, Correction & Retraining. See: Sharpening The Tactical Athlete.
- 1990: Cycle Across America for Substance Abuse. National Youth leadership development program.
- 1993: Run Across America for Hunger, Homelessness and Poverty. National Youth leadership development program.
- 1994-Present: President, Founder, Director of Research and Development for the UN NGO Humanitarian Resource Institute.
- 2009-Present: Director, United Nations Arts Initiative. Artist, Publisher, ASCAP.
- 2010: Cancer Survivor -- Never Give Up: Cancer Journal, Educational Resources, Advocacy Information.
- 2011-Present: Director of H-II OPSEC Expeditionary Operations: Defense support for humanitarian and security emergencies beyond the capabilities of governmental, UN, NGO and relief organizations. -- Anti-Terrorism Officer, NATO JADL - NSHQ SOCC Staff Officer NSTEP 2012.
Representative Presentations, Workshops and Media
- Artists and Educators Mobilize: United Nations Arts Initiative: Teachers College, Columbia University, 9 December 2015.
- H-II OPSEC: Redefining a Global Security Support System: Spotlight in Journal of Special Operations Medicine: JSOM ABC's, 15 April 2013.
- H-II: Stephen Michael Apatow Named Ambassador for Vet2011 Global Initiative: Vet2011: World Veterinary Year 250th Year Anniversary of the Global Veterinary Profession, Humanitarian Resource Institute, 7 February 2011.
- Keynote Speaker: The Future of Biodetection Systems - Final Workshop Analysis (Archive): The Future of Biodetection Systems Workshop was coordinated by the intelligence community to bring together industry, academia, national labs, and federal agency personnel in an interactive process, to develop a roadmap for research and development investment in biodetection. Sponsored by Los Alamos National Laboratory, September 26 & 27 2006. -- Overview: BTACC Pathobiologics International. DNA-based Detection Technologies: Powerpoint Presentation.
- Member of the scientific committee of the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Tourist Health and Travel Medicine, 2005: Fifth European Conference on Travel Medicine.
- EHPNET: Humanitarian Resource Institute Emerging Infectious Disease Network: Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP), an online publication by the Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), Volume 112, Number 1, January 2004.
- Keynote Speaker: 8th annual meeting of the Association of Veterinary Biologics Companies (AVBC), 5 November 2003.
- 2002 Award for Excellence in Outbreak Reporting on the Internet: International Society for Infectious Diseases, ProMED-mail.
- U.S. Representative for Agricultural Security: U.S. Medicine Institute for Health Studies Forum "Food, Air, Water, and Terrorism: Assessing the Risk," sponsored by the Department of Defense, Global Emerging Infections System and Annapolis Center. 29 January 2002. The paper "Agricultural Security and Emergency Preparedness: Protecting One of America's Infrastructures," Stephen M. Apatow, Humanitarian Resource Institute, was a reference point for agricultural security.
- 1999 FEMA Community and Family Preparedness Workshop: Grassroots network development for state and county emergency managers, at the Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center in Bluemont, VA.
Advisory Board
- Slavery Today: A Multidisciplinary Journal of Human Trafficking Solutions, dedicated to research, theory, and practical application in eradicating slavery. It is a nexus of critical thought for all fields relating to understanding and combating modern slavery and is unique in its focus on the issues of slavery and human trafficking.
- War Crimes Committee: International Bar Association. Education and Advocacy Support for Human Rights Reporting - Evidence Collection - Witness Protection, International Bar Association Human Rights Institute.
Consultancy Umbrellas
- Pathobiologics International:
- Sports Medicine & Science Institute:
- SMAMedia Communications:
Note: Speaker's Fee Range: $20,000 to $100,000. Please Inquire.
Source: Humanitarian Resource Institute (HRI)
Tags: Arts, Biodefense, Biomechanics, Defense, Education, Entertainment, Global, Humanitarian Relief, Non-governmental Organizations, Orthopedics, Sports Medicine, United Nations