Know All About How To Become A Pharmacy Technician On is a website providing all the information about pharmacy technician.

Today one of the most difficult decisions for a job seeker is to choose the appropriate field.

Most of the youngsters want to make career in medical profession.

Some of them choose the pharmacy as their career field.

For those who want to go for a career as pharmacy technician, provides every information you need to know about.

A pharmacy technician tackles a variety of tasks at a pharmacy,clinic or hospital.

The technician has to work under a licensed pharmacist.

He prepares the prescriptions and handling other jobs like counting pills,labeling pharmaceuticals products,correcting that the prescription does not conflict with the another medication of the patient.

The places where a pharmacy technician can work are retail pharmacies ,nursing homes ,retirement homes and hospitals.

The requirements to become a pharmacy technician is not any formal degree but you can apply for the job if you have high school diploma and then you can get on the job training of three to twelve months.

But nowadays as competition is higher ,the applicants apply with their pharmacy tech programs degree which is preferable to employers.

You also need to take pharmacy technician certification if you are struggling for higher salary.

If you have the certification ,you are sure to get the better pay
than the non-certified one.

The certification is required to ensure that the applicant is able to perform the task and well-suited for the job.

The certification has advantages related to job security and better salary.

The demand of pharmacy technician is ever-increasing and job vacancies for the applicants cannot be the issue.

So if you want to pursue your career in pharmacy,you should not have doubts related to the demands and availability of jobs.

The main duty of a pharmacy technician is to assist the pharmacist who is in supervision and give the best services to the patients.

They give advice on phone calls but re limited by the law to the extent they can advice patients.

The medication carts of the patients who are hospitalized are filled up by the pharmacy technicians.

Other jobs include maintaining the shelves and stocking the medications,counting tablets,assisting customers,ordering of the supplies,compounding ointments and pre-packing of medications. provides you with the every information you may need about making a career in pharmacy as pharmacy technician .


Tags: pharmacy technician, Pharmacy Technician Certificatio, pharmacy technician salary

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