KnowBe4 Releases Security Awareness Training Module for Hospitals

Hospitals that don't train staff on how to spot Red flags are asking to be victimized

KnowBe4 Inc., the United States’ most popular integrated platform for security awareness training and simulated phishing tests, released a new module of Kevin Mitnick Security Awareness Training for hospitals. The module has been designed to train hospital employees on how to stay safe and avoid getting hit by ransomware.

Hospitals make a lucrative target for ransomware as they provide critical care and rely on their records for up-to-date health information. Without this data, medical professionals and patients are at risk.

Imagine receiving an email from the Department of Health and Human Services asking you to respond about a HIPAA violation by your hospital. You are asked to click the link, review the complaint and respond. This is important and you need answer as soon as possible, so you don’t think twice, you click the link. Once you click the link or open the attachment your computer starts acting funny. You can’t open any files. You then see an alarming message on your desktop saying that all of your files have been encrypted and to get them back, you have to pay a ransom! There is a timer showing you the countdown until the ransom goes up.

“Hospitals have to make themselves a harder target if they want to prevent ransomware from infiltrating their networks. This includes having robust backups on all their mission-critical systems, being diligent about patching and conducting security awareness training for all employees,” said Stu Sjouwerman, CEO of KnowBe4. “This problem is only going to get worse.  Hospital’s that aren’t training their staffs will be victimized.  That is a certainty.”

KnowBe4’s program provides a comprehensive new-school approach that integrates baseline testing using mock attacks, engaging web-based training and continuous assessment through simulated phishing, vishing or smishing attacks to build a more resilient and secure organization. KnowBe4 also provides "double-random" message delivery with hundreds of highly realistic phishing messages, spread over time. Every employee receives a different phishing email at a different time. Automated phishing campaigns with unlimited usage and community templates help keep IT efforts current.

About KnowBe4
KnowBe4 is the world’s most popular integrated Security Awareness Training and Simulated Phishing platform. Realizing that the human element of security was being seriously neglected, KnowBe4 was created by two of the best known names in cybersecurity, Kevin Mitnick (the World’s Most Famous Hacker), and Inc. 500 alum serial security entrepreneur Stu Sjouwerman, to help organizations manage the problem of social engineering tactics through new school security awareness training. The company maintains a top spot in the Cybersecurity 500, the definitive list of the world’s hottest and most innovative companies in cybersecurity. More than 3,500 organizations use KnowBe4’s platform to keep employees on their toes with security top of mind. KnowBe4 is used across all industries, including highly regulated fields such as finance, healthcare, energy, government and insurance.

Source: KnowBe4


Tags: phishing, ransomware, Security awareness training

Angela Tuzzo
Senior Account Executive, MRB Public Relations