Knowledge Management Case Study By East of England Development Agency (EEDA) Reveals Increase Of Over 20% In Customer Satisfaction After Implementing New Delivery Support System

A leading global provider of knowledge management services, Knowledge Power Solutions (KPS) receives attribution for enhanced East of England Development Agency customer satisfaction.

The East of England Development Agency or EEDA - a business solutions provider and advisor across the five counties that make up the east of England - is the driving force behind sustainable economic development in the region. Envisioning to create a leading economy founded on a world class knowledge base, creativity and enterprise, EEDA has been integrating in its operations the knowledge management systems from Knowledge Power Solutions or KPS.

Formerly, EEDA outsourced its delivery support services to different suppliers, making information consolidation extremely difficult, and creating a lack consistency in the way that queries were being dealt with, as the knowledge was not being captured centrally.

In addressing this issue, EEDA saw that consolidating all information in one place will provide consistent customer services and advice to its customers across all parts of the region; push for operation efficiency; and increase cost savings by consolidating duplicate functions. EEDA made the decision to have just one delivery solution providing business support to its customers though the Business Link brand.

As part of the research and analysis process to determine the apt knowledge management solution, EEDA liaised with Northgate Information Solutions, among other nine other Regional Development Agencies in the UK. Northgate - a market leader in providing specialist software, outsourcing and information technology services to local government - recommended Universal Knowledge from KPS, a knowledge solution that empowers key support personnel and self-service users with the information that they need to quickly resolve queries and, as a result, increase service levels at the same time as delivering operational efficiencies.

The EEDA case study establishes that Universal Knowledge was far more superior and had much greater functionality than other solutions that the agency intensively investigated. In fact, in the four years of utilising the KPS solution, it has recorded an immense increase in customer satisfaction. Prior to the KPS solution, the highest rating received by the EEDA was 72%. Now, satisfaction levels are always between 85-95% each month.

Marcus Fernandes, Regional Business Support IS Manager at the EEDA commented: "Making the decision to consolidate our knowledge management information in one place, and selecting Universal Knowledge from KPS, was the right decision. Business support delivery is now run much more efficiently, and the consistency of the information that we provide to our customers is exceptional. Our next step is to offer our customers self-service knowledge management on the web."

Mark Rae, Sales Manager from KPS, stated: "We have enjoyed an excellent relationship with EEDA, KPS has been involved in various initiatives that has helped raise the profile of our technology within the business. EEDA has provided a high level of service to the people of Eastern England and we are proud to have been associated with them for the past five years."

While EEDA will be phased out due to Government cut backs, the vast amounts of knowledge and information accumulated in Universal Knowledge will continue to be used, and will prove invaluable to the newly created Central Business Link.

For more information about KPS, customers can visit for additional information about KPS services and the EEDA case study.


Tags: knowledge management, Knowledge management systems, Self services knowledge manageme

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