Kristien M Boyle, L.Ac Educates On Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism Management

Kristien M Boyle, L.Ac. at The Holistic Wellness Center of Charlotte helping patients in Charlotte, NC with autoimmune and endocrine disorders educates community on Hashimoto's hypothyroidism management in his blog.

Holistic Wellness Center utilizes alternative and Western medicines approaches to help patients in Charlotte, North Carolina with endocrine, autoimmune, and many other disorders relief.

It is estimated that in USA, Hashimoto's causes 90% of hypothyroid disorders. Official medicine does not treat Hashimoto's and there is no treatment for it.

The problem is that Hashimoto's is an immune system dysfunction that leads to the hypothyroidism. Unfortunately, many patients go un-diagnosed for many years and once the autoimmune expression has been turned on they will start to develop other organ/system failures and symptoms.

Practitioners of The Holistic Wellness Center of Charlotte have found that, whenever managing Hashimoto's and other autoimmune disorders, it is always important to find out each patient's triggers. It could be various allergies, stress or blood sugar issues. A specific trigger is normally gliaden, which is the polypeptide found in gluten. Research indicates roughly 35% of Hashimoto's patients suffer with celiac disease and another 60% will be gliaden sensitive. Research in the field of Hashimoto's theorizes that gluten is on many occasions part of the original causes of Hashimoto's due to its molecular similarity with the Thyroid gland. Once the gluten molecules enter through the tight junctions in the gut and trigger an immune reaction, the immune system then looks throughout the body for other possible molecules, which are similar - one of which is the Thyroid gland.

Kristien M Boyle, L.Ac. at The Holistic Wellness Center of Charlotte uses functional medicine, different lab ranges, and then mainstream medicine. He implements functional herbal/nutritional protocols with all his autoimmune patients and empowers them with knowledge so they can handle their condition indefinitely through dietary and lifestyle changes. He share his thoughts on autoimmune disorders management in his blog

Kristien Boyle L.A.c, is a North Carolina licensed acupuncturist and a nationally board-certified herbalist and acupuncturist highly skilled at interpreting lab work, especially testing for hormone imbalances.

Holistic Wellness Center was founded by Arthur Cushing, D.C., D.Ch., F.S.A.C and Kristien Boyle, L.Ac., M.S.O.M., Dipl.Ac.Diple.C.H. The Center utilizes acupuncture, herbology, homeopathy, cold laser, and light therapy along with other alternative and Western medicines approaches to help patients with various disorders relief focusing on autoimmune and endocrine ones.

For more information please visit the website or call (704) 776-4185


Tags: acupuncture, Charlotte, Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism, holistic doctor, homeopathy, NC

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Press Contact, Holistic Wellness Center of Charlotte
Holistic Wellness Center of Charlotte
1341 East Morehead Street, Suite 102
Charlotte, NC 28204
United States