Kudan AR SDK for Unity v1.8.0 With Support for Unity 2020 Released

A new version of Mobile AR (Augmented Reality) App Development Platform Kudan AR SDK for Unity v1.8.0 now Supports Unity 2020.

XLsoft Corporation (Irvine, CA) released Kudan AR SDK for Unity v1.8.0 with support for Unity 2020.

Kudan AR SDK and Kudan CV SDK has been widely incorporated into apps in Entertainment, Educational and e-Commerce industries. Kudan based mobile AR applications are used for sales promotion in Entertainment and e-Commerce, and also used for teaching assistant in Education. Now with Unity 2020 support, AR app development has never been easier and faster.​

Product Names
​Kudan AR SDK, Kudan CV SDK​ 

Product Category

Product Overview
​Kudan AR SDK is a mobile AR SDK with native platform APIs for iOS, Android, and also a Unity plugin. It supports both highly accurate marker tracking as well as markerless tracking, based on Kudan’s proprietary Computer Vision technology (which allows computers to acquire, process, and analyze digital images or videos). Kudan AR SDK is platform agnostic and can be used on a wide variety of devices.

Kudan CV SDK provides Computer Vision technology for iOS and Android devices. While the AR SDK provides both tracking and rendering, the CV SDK specializes only in tracking and can be utilized for non-AR use cases as well.

Development licenses for Kudan AR SDK are available for free. A production license will be required when distributing an application developed with Kudan AR SDK. Amongst the Production license types, Indie licenses are available for free to independent developers, non-profits, educational institutions, and start-ups. Depending on the revenue, Business and Enterprise licenses are available.

Kudan AR SDK Features
​Kudan AR SDK is hardware agnostic and provides an advanced, high-performance AR engine for mobile and wearable devices.

  • Advanced AR engine providing optimal performance for mobile and wearable devices
  • Markerless AR engine available for a variety of devices
  • No dependency on server or cloud environments; responds immediately when scanned
  • No limit on the number of markers and scans
  • Can be used without Wi-Fi or network connection

Kudan AR / CV SDK Pricing

Development License Prices (pre-tax)
Kudan AR SDK Free
Kudan CV SDK Free
Production License Prices (pre-tax)
AR Indie Free (with watermarks; available to SMEs, non-profits and educational institutions with revenue capacity of less than 1 million USD)
AR Business $1,500 (without watermarks; available to SMEs, non-profits and educational institutions with the revenue capacity of less than 1 million USD)
AR Enterprise Contact us (for enterprises with revenue capacity of more than 1 million USD)
CV Indie $1,500 (available to SMEs, non-profits and educational institutions with revenue capacity of less than 1 million USD)
CV Enterprise

Contact us (for enterprises with revenue capacity of more than 1 million USD)

One (1) production license per one (1) iOS and Android application will be required when distributing an application developed with Kudan AR SDK.

Press Contact
URL: https://www.xlsoft.com
Phone: (949) 453-2781
Email: sales@xlsoft.com

Source: XLsoft Corporation


Tags: AR, Augmented Reality, Computer Vision, CV, Kudan, Unity 2020

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Irvine, CA 92618
United States