LabStats Creates "Convince Your Boss" Toolkit For Lab Managers

Computer Lab Solutions offers lab managers a "Convince Your Boss" toolkit to ease the weight of a new technology request presentation of LabStats to administration.

Computer Lab Solutions has created a "Convince Your Boss" toolkit for lab managers to present LabStats software to the powers that be in an efficient and professional manner. The toolkit is budget-aware and allows for managers to present the software in a concise and informative way that displays all the benefits of LabStats and how it can be used to suit the personal needs of an institution.

LabStats is a software suite that helps lab managers to keep track of every machine in their computer labs. LabStats tracks user logins, power consumption, computer availability, technical issues, application launches, and more. Users are able to view detailed and accurate reports on computer usage all across an organization, or for a particular lab, and can determine the time frame of the report daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. The software helps institutions to make vital decisions concerning their labs, such as which labs to keep, licenses to renew, and hardware to update. LabStats helps many organizations stay on top of budget concerns in educational IT environments, and helps users to be aware of how their computers are being used.

The "Convince Your Boss" toolkit provides a PDF presentation that gives an overview of the LabStats product, its features, and how it can be used to benefit a large IT networked environment. Also included in the toolkit is a brochure with more detailed information on each product, namely LabMaps for computer availability, AppUse for application launches, and JuicePress for power consumption. The JuicePress portion also includes a power rebate database by state and region for institutions wishing to seek incentives and discounts for using power efficient software.

Customer case studies on how the product has benefitted others and their lab environments is also included in the kit, along with a partial customer list for institutions wondering if their neighbors are currently implementing LabStats.

A prewritten technology request letter is the highlight of the toolkit, which can be customized according to the needs of an organization to appeal to administration for purchasing the LabStats Suite. All of the above items are available in a single downloadable package. To access the toolkit, visit

For more information on LabStats, visit


Tags: computer lab, computer lab tracking, Educational Technology, lab manager, lab statistical software, lab statistics software, labstats, technology request

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Computer Lab Solutions
Idaho Falls