Lambe * Lamb Family History Book Just Released!
Online, June 14, 2010 ( - The Lambe * Lamb Family History book is just one of several family histories in author Lanette Brightwell and Brightwell Enterprises book releases. The Lambe * Lamb family connects to the Britt Family and the Lumbee Indian Tribe in North Carolina. You'll love this book if you are a Lambe * Lamb family member. The other books available on website: are: Bryant, McMillan, Tillman, Cone, Brown, Downs, Watson, Gray, Gay, Walker, Peacock, Giles, Henderson, Cannon, Thigpen, Whitley-Wheatley-Whitly, Brightwell, Willis, Kirkland, Hill, Burns, Davidson, Beale, Quick, Roebuck-Robuck,with new books being released all the time! These books contain, research notes and data, census, documents, pictures, other researcher notes, sources, etc. Be sure to visit the website and check to see if your surname is available.
Tags: Britt, Bryant, Gray, Lamb, Lambe, Lumbee Indian Tribe, Roberson North Carolina, Ronoake Island