LandMentor - Neighborhood Design Technology & Education to Increase Living Standards, Reduce Costs, & Environmental Impact - Now Free

LandMentor is a market-proven solution in innovative design, surveying, architecture & engineering methods with technology to solve growth problems.
LandMentor: The end of boring neighborhoods

With today's escalating construction costs and increased interest rates, the LandMentor System is being offered for free to those involved on the private and government side of growth and redevelopment.   

Neighborhood Innovations, LLC is gifting this free system on July 1, 2022, to developers, builders, consultants and municipalities. It will increase living standards, greenspace, values, and connectivity - while decreasing costs and environmental impacts.

LandMentor is a 'System' that blends technology with an education in advanced market-proven design methods. It should decrease the infrastructure needed to develop land between 5 and 40 percent compared to conventional development patterns. This has obvious economic and environmental benefits.

It was time to share the system:

Neighborhood Innovations, LLC wanted to make a gift to the world to solve problems facing growth, from the regulatory (government) side and the design (consulting) side. With over 1,500 developments in 48 states and 18 nations designed with LandMentor, the firm felt it was time we spread the knowledge and share its technical advantage to the world.

How can LandMentor improve the world's growth? 

CAD & GIS software companies serving the growth industry automate geometric relationships that have been in place for centuries.  

Other software offerings boast that hundred lots can be designed and calculated in a few minutes, producing cookie-cutter subdivisions, but not likely a great place to live and raise a family. How could it be, with a minute of thought behind it?  

To address this, LandMentor introduces an industry-first - a software packaged with a holistic industry education. For example, does Microsoft Word instantly make a great author? Obviously, no. But what if it was packaged with a complete education in storytelling or technical writing?

Reducing (or eliminating) the dependence on CAD:

LandMentor has no commands, and its patented graphic & video prompts make all tasks easier, quick to learn, and enjoyable.

A 'Surface Based' solution:

The world consists of surfaces - not lines and curves, and those surfaces have environmental and economic consequences. LandMentor reports surface impacts with easy-to-understand charts. Designers can take action to reduce waste, and cities can communicate the waste to the developer. 

Changing the Way the Industry Communicates:

LandMentor 'video gaming' interactive 3D is easily created from normal planning, surveying, and engineering tasks. Most users today will be familiar with video gaming. Thus, no learning curve. Its 'plug & play' VR headset support transports users into a meta virtual environment.  

What's Included? 

All is needed is to download the 'system' from and dedicate the time (about a week or two) to go through the included initial training (video and PowerPoint with examples) as well as the internal textbooks under the Help menu. LandMentor reverts to a subscription model in 2024. Pricing is to be based on the volume of users (projected to be 10% to 20% the cost of CAD).


LandMentor was developed by Neighborhood Innovations, LLC, a software spin-off of Rick Harrison Site Design Studio which is a Land Planning research firm to discover new methods of design, engineering, surveying, and architecture. Its profits funded the software development.

Richard Harrison, President


Source: Neighborhood Innovations, LLC


Tags: 3D, architecture, CAD, city planning, civil engineering, connectivity, curb appeal, GIS, growth, land surveying, mapping, neighborhood, safety, software, subdivision, Virtual Reality, VR

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About Neighborhood Innovations, LLC

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Neighborhood Innovations LLC is the developer and distributor of the LandMentor System for Sustainable Land Development for Public and Private Entities

Neighborhood Innovations, LLC
8832 7th Ave N
Golden Valley, MN 55427
United States