Lanit-Tercom. When study is a pleasure.
Online, September 14, 2009 ( - The web-solution reduces the time of study tests development and makes the future work with them a lot easier. The new web-application implements and edits study test-tasks. It was developed for the medicine professors who prepare test tasks for their students. The application visually demonstrates the contents of the tests, depending on their types. For example:
• Choose the correct answer or several answers
• Put answers in the correct order
• Define the correlation between the term and the definition
• Open questions, where the answers are to be put by the student
All questions are sorted by difficulty level. Besides, the web-application, developed by Lanit-Tercom, gives the opportunity to download comapping diagrams and provides graphical interface to edit test tasks without any additional skills of work in comapping tool. Comapping diagrams are the part of tool that presents data in a tree-format. This format is used to provide the content of the web site of the training system on the server.
The training system is the set of cards with questions. The way it works is simple: the student chooses the answer, clicks OK, the card is then turned over and the student sees the correct answer. The test tasks are written on the CD's that comes as supplements to the study books in medicine or other subjects. The student can easily do his home assignments with the study books and then check himself with the electronic tests.
Today the new web-solution is actively used in several USA universities. It already has a number of positive responses. First of all, this application saves the time while filling the test cards.
Secondly, owing to Lanit-Tercom's solution, the number of the logical mistakes in tests has significantly reduces because this product has a reliable content checking system
Lanit-Tercom development team is responsible for the new application support and development. Currently, to meet the needs of the end-users it was decided to make Macintosh-based application version, as many users now work on this platform.
About Lanit-Tercom
Lanit-Tercom is one of the leading IT companies, that successfully combines software and hardware development. Company's developers fulfill not only industrial orders but also highly-customized science-intensive programming projects. Lanit-Tercom has already gained a reputation for quality in software development market, has wide experience, unique developments and highly qualified staff.
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address: 28, Universitetsky pr., St.Petersburg,
Peterhof, 198504, Russia
Irina Skripnikova
PR -manager
[email protected]
Phone: +7 812 4284194
Tags: comapping diagram, content, Development, electronic test, Lanit-Tercom, Software, test cards., training system, web application, web-solution