Lansing's Only Spanish CNA Training Program Starts In July

DRM International Learning Center is rolling out their unique training, CNAplus™, for Spanish speaking students wanting a career as a CNA or in other ways serving their communities.

A certified nursing assistant (CNA) job puts aspiring RNs on the front lines of patient care.

DRM International Learning Center's Spanish CNAplus™ Training program can have its students on their way to supporting their family for life in just seven weeks. While the program begins in July, registration is now underway. Call Kendra Velasquez 517-882-3544 with questions or for an appointment for orientation or to complete your application.

It is most important to have health care delivered by nurses who are representative of the population and skilled in providing culturally competent care. There is already a mismatch in ethnic distribution between the general population and RNs, particularly in relation to Hispanics (12.5% general population; 2% RNs).

Between 2000 and 2020, hours physicians spend with minority patients will rise from approximately 31 percent to 40 percent.

Nursing assistants are vital to daily operations in hospitals and nursing care facilities. Their compassion and skill in patient care help minimize the stress of those who are sick or unable to care for themselves.

Certified nursing assistants, sometimes called nurses' aides, orderlies, patient care technicians, and home health aides, work under the supervision of a nurse to help patients with daily living tasks.

Working closely with patients, CNAs are responsible for basic care services such as bathing, grooming and feeding patients, assisting nurses with medical equipment, and checking patient vital signs. But they also provide more than physical care. CNAs give patients important social and emotional support and also provide vital information on patient conditions to nurses.

According to the 2009 data from, the middle 50 percent of certified nursing assistants earn between $24,729 and $29,887. Top earning CNAs make $32,388 or more.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, nursing assistant jobs (including home health aides and psychiatric aides) will experience about 19 percent growth by 2018.

DRM International Learning Center is located near downtown Lansing, Michigan, and is highly sought out for its excellent training programs. It is the vision of DRM International Learning Center to be the most respected and influential healthcare education facility in the region. Its mission is to provide effective classroom instruction in high demand healthcare fields and community courses that lead to sustainable employment and community service.


Tags: cna training, cna training in MI, dimentia, end of life care, in home health care

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Kendra Velasquez
Press Contact, DRM International Learning Center
DRM International Learning Center
3204 S. Pennsylvania Ave Lansing, MI 48910
Lansing, MI 48910
United States