Largest Piezo Components to Date From Noliac

Noliac has expanded the ranges for piezo components to the largest sizes to date in the shapes of discs, rings and plates. The expanded ranges will give customers even better possibilities to custom design piezo components to match piezo-based applications.

Even larger piezo components: discs, rings and plates
Noliac offers piezo components with a large range of dimensions. Now this range is upgraded. Cedric Goueffon, Global Sales Manager at Noliac A/S, explains the background for the upgrade:

- We know that the range of dimensions for piezo components is vital to our customers. Therefore, we work constantly to improve our production facilities to accommodate the demand for larger components. This work is now resulting in the largest piezo components to date from Noliac. The new ranges will give our customers an even better selection for piezo-based applications. We will keep working on our production to offer even larger components in the future. The new ranges can be ordered now.

See the entire new range for piezo components at

Example of a large piezo disc
The piezo disc shown is OD 185 mm, TH 2 mm, made of NCE40

New sizes

Piezo disc 

  • Outside diameter (OD): 4 mm-185 mm 
  • Thickness (TH): 0.2 mm-20 mm *

Piezo ring

  • Outside diameter (OD): 4 mm-185 mm 
  • Thickness (TH): 0.2 mm-20 mm *
  • Inside diameter (ID): 3 mm-100 mm

Piezo plate

  • Length (L) or width (W): 1 mm-127 mm
  • Thickness (TH): 0.2 mm-20 mm *

*​ Please note, that thickness depends on the size of the other dimensions, and depends on which material is used.

Further information?
If you want to know more about your possibilities with piezo components from Noliac, please contact us using our Request for Quote form or contact sales.

Piezo-based applications
For inspiration, we have collected a small selection of piezo-based applications describing the use of the specific application, how it works, and which piezo elements are typically used.

See examples of piezo-based applications on

Custom design
We offer a high level of possibilities to custom design your piezo components to match your specific requirements. If you have any questions about our custom design, please contact us using our Request for Quote form or contact sales.

Read more about our customized design on


Tags: components, customization, monolayer, piezo

About Noliac A/S

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Noliac holds unique competences in the field of piezoelectric technology. We design, develop and manufacture the total range of piezo products - from powders to mono- and multilayer components and all the way to finished plug-and-play applications.

Lotte Beck
Press Contact Noliac A/S
Noliac A/S
Hejreskovvej (18)
Kvistgaard, Helsingør 3490