Larson Electronics Releases Single Phase Step-Down Buck and Boost Transformer, 240V Primary, 220V Secondary, 5 kVA Rating

MT-BBT-240V-220V-22.94A Image 1

Larson Electronics, a Texas-based company with over 40 years of experience spearheading the industrial lighting and equipment sectors, announced the release of a single-phase, step-down buck and boost transformer designed to decrease 240 volts to 220 volts. This unit is made for indoor and outdoor use and protects against critical equipment failures by isolating the power source from the connected device.

The MT-BBT-240V-220V-22.94A single-phase, step-down buck and boost transformer has a 5 kVA rating with a 240V AC primary voltage using a maximum of 20.83 amps. The secondary side features a voltage of 220V providing up to 22.94 amps. This unit allows equipment that draws up to 22.94 amps at 220 volts to be powered from 240-volt power sources. This quiet, compact buck and boost transformer features a 130˚C insulation with an 80˚C temperature rise.

This energy efficient unit’s cores are made of non-aging, cold-rolled silicon steel laminations, coated to resist moisture and are electrically balanced to minimize axial forces during short circuit events. This unit is encapsulated in silica sand and resin and features a NEMA 3R painted steel enclosure with aluminum windings that are made of high-quality aluminum wire to improve performance.

Larson Electronics’ buck and boost transformer features integrated wall mounting brackets for fast and easy installation. Suitable applications for this transformer include air conditioners, lighting systems, heating elements, and more.

About Larson Electronics LLC: Larson Electronics LLC is a manufacturer of industrial lighting equipment and accessories. The company offers an extensive catalog of industry-grade lighting and power distribution products for the following sectors: manufacturing, construction, food processing, oil and gas, military, marine and automobile. Customers can benefit from the company’s hands-on, customized approach to lighting solutions. Larson Electronics provides expedited service for quotes, customer support and shipments.

For further information, please contact:

Rob Bresnahan, President and CEO
Toll-free: 1-888-351-2363
Int’l: 214-616-6180
Fax: 903-498-3364
Email: [email protected]

Source: Larson Electronics


Tags: 1 Phase Buck Boost Step-Down Transformer, 240V Primary transformer, 5kva transformer, step-down Buck and Boost Transformer

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Larson Electronics, a Texas-based company with over 40 years of experience spearheading the industrial lighting and industrial equipment sectors...