Laser Hair Removal Is More Popular Than Ever! A True Sign The Economy Is Turning Around!

Laser Hair Removal has never been more popular! There is more interest in having the procedure than ever before. The only problem is that it is expensive and people cant finance the procedure due to the recent credit crunch.

If ever there was an industry that shows the state of the current economy it would be Laser Hair Removal. Since the crumble and consolidation of many of the countries major financial institutions, credit lending for cosmetic medical procedures such as laser hair removal has been practically extinct. The interest and demand for laser hair removal has never been higher but it is an expensive procedure that many patients need to finance in order to have it performed. Three years ago lending from institutes such as GE financial for laser hair removal was in the hundreds of millions of dollars. It has only been in the recent months that private equity lending has started to evolve allowing consumers to pay for what many might consider a frivolous luxury procedure.

None the less companies such as Body Details with several Laser Hair & Tattoo Removal locations across South Florida has seen a sudden resurgence in sales. The owners of Body Details have been working with several private equity funds to secure a financial backing for the financing of their laser hair removal procedures. "Patients do not really seem to care about the interest rates on their financing" claims Claudio Sorrentino, CEO of Body Details. He goes on to explain that "people can relate to the two plus months they will spend shaving over a lifetime and have no problem spending money to get all that time back!" Now with several million dollars in cash reserves Body Details is able to offer financing to patients that have a credit score between six and seven hundred that might not otherwise qualify.

"This not not considered high risk lending" explained Sorrentino. Our patients who finance have a very low rate of default even through the recent recession. Body Details has a massive competitive advantage offering "in house" financing. Since offering this new financing the close rate for potential clients who come in for a free consultation has more than tripled. "Educated savvy consumers are able to see the value in laser hair removal." boasted Sorrentino. If a twenty five year old female receives laser hair removal on her entire body, she will break even based on the savings of not having to buy razors for the next sixty years alone. That is long before you factor in the time savings.

Sorrentino went on to explain "Young professionals see the value in not having to shave. Say you are out having brunch one Sunday, and the group decides to make a last minute trip to the beach. A woman who has enjoyed having laser hair removal performed is not going to have to worry about touching up her bikini area before she hits the sand. That is a luxury a lot of women can relate to! The interest in laser hair removal is viral. If one person in a group of five has it performed, the chances of one of the other four looking into having done is through the roof. The only problem historically has been the high cost, and potential consumers not being able to borrow the money for the procedure." Seems Body Details has solved that problem. For more information on laser hair removal or laser hair removal financing visit Body Details website at


Tags: Body Details, laser hair removal, laser tattoo removal

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Claudio Sorrentino
Press Contact, Body Details
Body Details
110 East Broward Blvd Ste 820
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301