Last Week in Rideshare: Knives, Teens, and Indy
CHICAGO, October 12, 2018 ( - From dropped-off teens to knife-wielding riders and a pile of scooter crashes in Indy, this week has it all. Let’s break it down.
Monday 10/01
On Monday, teens headed to homecoming got an unexpected surprise. Once the driver discovered they were underage, he pulled over and dropped them off at a busy intersection. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution states another parent picked them up. Uber hasn’t responded.
Tuesday 10/02
On Tuesday, we got more unpromising news on driver wages. According to Ridestar, the average pay for Uber drivers, with tip, is $14.73. It’s no surprise drivers continue to get frustrated over the conditions.
Wednesday 10/03
In Dallas, an Uber driver’s ride made a sharp turn for the worst. According to Dallas News, with 160 miles left in the trip, the passenger pulled a knife and ordered the driver to exit the still-moving car. Eventually, troopers arrested the rider and Uber is checking into the driver’s well-being.
Thursday 10/04
Uber dropped some very interesting news on Thursday. According to Forbes, Uber’s CEO has stated he wants to give all drivers insurance and benefits. The hope is to close the gap between part-time and full-time employees. No word on when it’ll roll out.
Friday 10/05
We end the week with more scooter news! On Friday, The Indy Star reported a serious climb in scooter accidents. There have already been 20 injuries in September alone. Scooter riders feel unsafe on the streets, and pedestrians feel unsafe on the sidewalks. The city government meanwhile is left to clean up the mess.
Source: LegalRideshare
Tags: Attorneys, Drivers, Lawfirm, Lyft.Uber