Latest on Holistic Health

SYDNEY, AU. Transformation Energetics™, LLC, a globally focused internet marketing company with offices in the US and in Australia, announces the immediate launch of their new website, Alternative Health Care.

SYDNEY, AU. Transformation Energetics™, LLC, a globally focused internet marketing company with offices in the US and in Australia, announces the immediate launch of their new website, Alternative Health Care. This web site specializes in the latest and most effective information and products in alternative medicine, holistic and biologic health care, and energy medicine. These alternative healthcare products include books, videos and supplements in the fields of acupuncture, homeopathy, shiatsu, qigong, reiki, herbal and energy medicine, holistic dentistry and more. "What makes this site different", said Ms. Seiler, the company's owner, "is its focus on what really works, not just what sells. We will include reviews and personal recommendations wherever possible. Our goal is to truly be there for our customers".

For details about these effective natural health products, please visit this new website and learn all about the many options available to you for alternative health care.


Tags: alternative health, biologic medicine, good health, holistic health care, non-invasive treatments

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Elaine Seiler
Press Contact, Transformation Energetics, LCC
Transformation Energetics, LCC
POB 1268 , NWS.2482. AU.
Wellesley, MA 2482