Latest SEO Techniques Making Waves

The dynamic world of SEO keeps expanding every day. The latest SEO techniques are introduced here by the SEO experts in Dubai.

​The dynamic world of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) keeps expanding and changing every day. To succeed in the World Wide Web, with high traffic and a high rate of growth in business, it’s extremely important that people keep abreast of the latest techniques in SEO. Be First, a leading SEO company in Dubai, explained some of the new SEO techniques which have been capturing the markets of late.

An important development that has come about recently is the introduction of long-tail keyword searches. These allow users the opportunity to select specific, more focused keywords rather than the one-word keywords that had been in use in the past. These limit the search results to the specific content, cutting down on the time and effort wasted on web searches. Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) is used by search engines to decide if the content is on-topic or just spam.

Another novelty is that brand citations and mentions (implied links) will take prominence over express (conventional) links. The former are instances of a brand or site being mentioned  in blog posts, comments and elsewhere without having a direct link to that site. The latter are where URLs lead to the site mentioned. Search engines such as Google seem to be placing more emphasis on the former due to extensive abuse and misuse of link building in the past, which came to be identified as a ‘black hat’ technique. Brand citations are also less likely to be manipulated for the purpose of achieving higher search engine rankings, and are more difficult to be manipulated.

Sites optimised for mobile devices will become a necessity from being a mere advantage. Google seems to have realised the importance of this segment and is carrying out testing on it.  

The placement of more SEO value on social media signals - It’s believed that 2015 will be an important year for social media marketing. Social media sites such as Facebook, Google+ and Twitter are targeted by companies and corporations and SEO and social media experts are urging businesses to boost their social media profiles.

Rather than being a separate department, SEO is expected to become completely integrated with other marketing aspects. Collaborating with social media along with content-specific marketing will take off in a big way with the goal of higher search engine rankings. The three will have to come together as parts of a complete Search Engine Optimisation package if websites are to succeed,.

These will be the foremost among a host of other major as well as minor changes that the SEO arena would witness in time to come. In order to keep abreast of these developments, it would be necessary for SEO consultants to be on the ball about these new techniques.

Be First, which is a part of the innovative Be Unique Group, has become one of the top SEO agencies in Dubai in so short a time since its inception, due to its novel approach to SEO. Some of the top businesses and individuals in the UAE are now among its clients.


Tags: best SEO company in dubai, keywords, search engine, search engine optimisation dubai, seo agency dubai, SEO experts in Dubai, seo marketing dubai, SEO techniques, SEO tools