Latvian beauty blogs about fashion

Young woman from Latvia, representative of Latvia in many beauty contests, writes blog about fashion from her - town girl - viewpoint.

Latvia, post-soviet country near the Baltic Sea, is only living its evolution life. Not long ago Latvians, wanting to dress modish or keep their own style, had to go shopping to the west countries. There were only remains of old collections, cheap fakes and old-fashion clothes available in stores and kiosks and open-air markets. Situation is improving, but characteristics of situation in general are high prices, old collections and low quality.

Lasma Sarkane, an author of the blog, writes her observations about high fashion tendencies, stardom style, situation in her native country and ideas she has materialized - adopted from new fashionable clothes to make her own collection.

Lasma is 23 y. young woman, born in small town in Latvia - Rezekne, where approximately 50% of inhabitants are Russians, became Mis Rezekne when studying in secondary school, has represented her town in Mis Latvia and then in many international beauty contests as Latvian delegate.

More about Lasma and her first posts can be read on her blog U Look Trendy or


Tags: blog, fashion, fashion blog, moda, style, trend, trendy, vogue

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