Laughter Is the Best Medicine on 30 Year Around-the-World Quest

Jeffrey Seeds' debut novel, Frank Lee, is a playful around-the-world philosophical adventure full of horny pirates and absurd philosophers; religious goofballs and crazed heads of state; secret societies and lesbian anarchists; natural disasters and perversely contorted platitudes; sex, drugs, and hallucinations.

​​​​Jeffrey Seeds' debut novel, Frank Lee, catapults readers playfully around a planet whose own trajectory seems to be toward self-destruction, confirming along the way a suspicion you may have already entertained. It's not only messed up where you are, but everywhere else as well. ​

Frank Lee, the literally larger-than-life title character, is 9 feet tall when born to the wealthiest family in the Republic of Texas, but that's about the end of his good fortune. Home schooled by a heretic and exiled to Mexico by a booze-deranged stepmother, he flees from continent to continent in search of answers, one step ahead of a swelling pack of colorful and bloodthirsty enemies.​

Dizzying in its scope, traveling through time and history with the most insane group of fellow travelers imaginable (I've never before met the Dalai Lama, Kim Jong-un, Karl Rove, and Bucky Fuller on the same page in a novel)... disturbing to easy politics and conventional wisdom.... contradictory rules of life abound, with platitudes and biting political humor spouting from every page... a page-turner from start to finish... ROFLMAO.

Jamie Hubbard, Yehan Numata Professor of Buddhist Studies at Smith College

Horny pirates and absurd philosophers; religious goofballs and crazed heads of state; secret societies and lesbian anarchists; natural disasters and perversely contorted platitudes; sex, drugs, and hallucinations; all abound. There is a twist, and twisted new oddballs – extraterrestrials even – at every turn.​

In the satirical tradition of Swift, Vonnegut and Colbert, no person, place or thing is sacred on Frank Lee's globe-circling quest. The plausible and implausible weave together into a cliffhanging adventure that ultimately answers all of the questions you've ever had about life on Earth.​

Seeds is fluent in several Asian and European languages, and he taps into his decades of study and work in a medley of cultures to paint whimsical pictures of the universal human calamity. With backgrounds in painting, film development, and political activism, he sketches poignant landscapes... only to explode them using the tried and true hypocrisies of each landscape's local inhabitants. ​

If laughter is the best medicine, this novel may be just what the world needs at the moment. ​

An early reviewer said: "Dizzying in its scope, traveling through time and history with the most insane group of fellow travelers imaginable (I've never before met the Dalai Lama, Kim Jong-un, Karl Rove, and Bucky Fuller on the same page in a novel)... disturbing to easy politics and conventional wisdom.... contradictory rules of life abound, with platitudes and biting political humor spouting from every page... a page-turner from start to finish... ROFLMAO."   (Jamie Hubbard, Yehan Numata Professor of Buddhist Studies at Smith College)​

Review copies and interviews upon request.​

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Tags: environment, Fiction, humor, international travel, philosophy