Launch My Art's Global Arts Festival, Paris 2015

This might be the biggest art festival online in the world where the artists are participating from all continents. This is one of the biggest and much discussed events of 2015 organise by "Launch My Art" an online marketplace which is committed to provide opportunities and virtual venues, while engaging and educating our audiences through Creative art.

Launch My Art's Global Arts Festival, Paris 2015

This might be the biggest art festival online in the world where the artists are participating from all continents. This is one of the biggest and much discussed events of 2015. This idea of bringing all the artists to showcase their talent online is brought by the "Launch My Art" an online marketplace which is committed to provide opportunities and virtual venues for artists that foster social and political creative practices, while engaging and educating our audiences through Creative art.

Launch My Art is an online platform built to facilitate the purveying of hand-crafted art in an easy, simplified manner, taking out the middle man of exhibitions and expensive connections to help artisans make a living from their passions. Launched recently through a team in France, Launch My Art recognized the drastic need for hand-crafting artisans to make a living through their art, in an effort to preserve their skills and traditions, and let their art live on through the generations.

Vipin Titoria, Founder & CEO

Launch My Art's online Space programming comprises exhibitions by artists, collaborators, curators, and other cultural producers from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. We work closely with artists, Art Galleries and Art Collectors to create critically-relevant shows that advance Creative art in communities. Please note that LMA accepts proposals for solo shows, but the Programming Committee may also consider individual artists for inclusion in a curated group project. All the shows are absolutely free of charges to watch online at

Launch My Art is built for artisans, giving each artist their own online gallery, certified online copyright claims, and a professional portfolio to further increase their presence online and garner more customers. Customers, on the other hand, have the option to simply browse through the site to find their favorite artists, and relive the golden age of art in a world that’s increasing its pace ever so quickly and seems to find no room for the patience of artisanship.

“Selling and buying art is so much easier now through the Launch My Art online gallery,” stated its representative. “For art lovers, it’s a golden opportunity to discuss artworks with the masters of imagination, appreciate artists and buy their original creations online directly, without any hassle.” 

More details are available here

LMA' Global Web Arts Festival Paris Starting on September 2, 2015

Submission procedure

The following materials should be included in your application:

1. Proposal: Briefly describe your exhibition project. Provide complete details of your of your work of art.

2. Artist Statement: Discuss how your proposed project and the broader context of your work, research, and interests.

3. Exhibition: Please include maximum up to ten best pieces of your art works for the online exhibition, support material, including digital images, videos, text excerpts, or audio clips alongside a corresponding numbered image list detailing the artwork’s title, medium, physical size, date of completion, and any other necessary descriptors. Our Programming team will review the material.

4. LMA Account Registration: Best Describe your artistic background with complete details into your LMA profile with uploading photos of your work. Please include all relevant contact information.

The LMA online Gallery only accepts digital submissions via e-mail. Please format all written materials as a single pdf document. All the Images must be numbered RGB .jpeg files with a maximum resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels at 72 dpi and no larger than 1 MB in size. LMA accepts links to video and audio work hosted online. E-mailed applications must be submitted in a single .zip folder containing both documents and images.

Entry Tickets are available at

Send completed submission packages to:

ATTN: Programming Team,
[email protected]

LMA's Web Art Festival, Paris 2015
Starting September 2, 2015
Last Date of Submission: July 31, 2015


Tags: art shop, art work, artisanship, artists, e commerce, handicrafts, launch my art, online art, paintings, real artisans, sculpture, workshops