Launch of a Global Youth-Led Campaign to Transform Food Systems

Today, a global youth-led food movement was launched, promising to ignite a campaign action to combat hunger, improve health and heal the planet. The #Act4Food and #Act4Change campaign takes the form of a simple pledge and list of actions. The pledge brings together young people from around the world to focus on personal action and advocacy as a contribution to systemic change. The pledge is facilitated by Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition and Food Foundation. 

The pledge urges governments, businesses, UN agencies and youth counterparts to act boldly and promptly. The list of actions is what young people want businesses and governments to do in order to fix our broken food system. We are asking young people to contribute to shaping the food system of the future by voting for their priority Actions 4 Change. Pledge here

More than half of the world's population is under the age of 30. As a collective force, young people have extraordinary potential to mobilize and influence global movements, which can be initiated in the form of a simple pledge. The actions for change will enable young people to engage with advocacy and campaigning in their own countries as well as creating a united voice across the globe in the lead up to the United Nations Food Systems Summit. The UN Food Systems Summit was announced by the UN Secretary-General,  António Guterres on World Food Day October 2019 as a part of the Decade of Action for delivery on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. The aim of the Summit is to deliver progress on all 17 of the SDGs through a food systems approach, leveraging the interconnectedness of food systems to global challenges such as hunger, climate change, poverty and inequality.

2018 World Food Prize Laureate, Dr. Lawrence Haddad, Executive Director of GAIN, currently chairing Action Track 1 of the Summit, said, "Hunger and malnutrition continue to be major challenges faced by millions around the globe. The Act4Food Act4Change pledge campaign is an extraordinary initiative spearheaded by youth to act to solve global problems, including the issue of global hunger and malnutrition in all its forms. We believe that the collective voice of the younger generations holds great power and will lead to impactful, overdue, and necessary change."

About the #Act4Food #Act4Change campaign

The Act4Food Act4Change is a pledge campaign that galvanizes youth action to defeat hunger, improve health and heal the planet. The campaign brings together global youth input to focus on personal action and advocacy as a contribution to changing the food system and urges governments and businesses to act boldly and urgently. The Youth Act4Food Act4Change in Support of the Summit and GoodFood4All is facilitated by GAIN and the Food Foundation.

For more information or interview requests:  

Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition

Edwin Shankar, Media Relations, [email protected]

Full release here.

Source: Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition


Tags: Food, Food systems, Hunger

About Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition

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The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) is a Swiss-based foundation launched at the United Nations in 2002 to tackle the human suffering caused by malnutrition. Working with governments, businesses and civil society, we aim to transform food systems so that they deliver more nutritious foods for all people, especially the most vulnerable.

Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition
7 Rue de Varembé
Genève, GE 1202